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Ben Cardin's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

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Date Title
04/06/2022 Maryland Delegation Confronts IRS Commissioner on Backlogs During Virtual Meeting
12/22/2020 Blunt, Cardin Secure Long-Term Extension of Job-Creating New Markets Tax Credit Program
03/11/2020 Van Hollen, Cardin, Colleagues Request the IRS Extend Tax-Filing Deadline for Individual Taxpayers
02/27/2020 Cardin Statement on Appointment of Erin Collins as National Taxpayer Advocate
12/20/2019 Blunt & Cardin Secure New Markets Tax Credit Extension
12/19/2019 Cardin Cheers Full-Year Appropriations Bills; Jeers Disappointing Energy Tax Extenders
12/17/2019 Appropriations Package Includes Legislation to Support Volunteer Firefighters & First Responders Authored by Collins, Cardin
10/24/2019 Cardin, Cassidy, Collins, Cantwell Introduce Bill to Expand Access to Historic Tax Credit
06/27/2019 Wicker, Colleagues Introduce "Rural Jobs Act' to Fight Rural Poverty, Create Jobs
05/02/2019 Whiehouse, Wyden, and Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Overhaul Energy Tax Code, Combat Climate Change
04/11/2019 Cardin, Van Hollen, Senate Democrats Unveil Legislation to Cut Taxes for Workers & Families
04/02/2019 Portman, Cardin Lead Bipartisan Bill to Make Work Opportunity Tax Credit Permanent
07/26/2018 Portman, Cardin Introduce Protecting Taxpayers Act to Make IRS More Responsive & Accountable to Taxpayers
06/13/2018 Cassidy, Cardin, Collins, LaHood, Blumenauer Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Enhance Historic Tax Credit
12/01/2017 Cardin Says Republican Tax Reform Bill Was Designed to Fulfill a Campaign Promise, Not To Help Our Economy
11/14/2017 Cardin Statement on Republican Plans to Add the Individual Mandate Repeal in Tax Reform
10/19/2017 Cardin Budget Amendment Would Have Kept the Deficit from Ballooning to Pay For The 1 Percent's Tax Cuts
07/13/2016 Cardin, Thune Introduce Bill to Improve and Modernize S Corporations
02/23/2015 Cardin Discusses Groundbreaking Tax Reform Proposal with Maryland Business Leaders
01/21/2015 Cardin Says Congress Should Work With the President to Ensure Hard-Working American Families Are a Priority During Our Economic Recovery
01/08/2015 Cardin, Wyden Introduce Legislation to Help Protect Consumers from Fraudulent Tax Preparers
07/26/2013 Cardin Submits Proposals For A Fairer And More Progressive Tax Code
05/13/2013 Cardin Says Ensuring Compliance with the Law Should Not Be Politicized
05/06/2013 Cardin Calls Senate Passage Of Marketplace Fairness Act A Win For Maryland Businesses And Taxpayers
11/07/2012 Cardin Urges Bipartisanship and Real Action Solving America's Challenges

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