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Steny Hoyer's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MD) - District 5

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Date Title
10/27/2021 Hoyer Op-Ed: Letting the Filibuster Stand Will Break American Democracy
10/18/2021 Hoyer Statement on the Retirement of Congressman Mike Doyle
08/17/2021 Rep. Sewell Introduces H.R. 4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, to Restore Protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965
04/28/2021 Sarbanes, Maryland Congressional Delegation Announce Nearly $5.2 Million in Supplemental Early Childhood Education Funding
04/26/2021 Sarbanes, Maryland Congressional Delegation Announce More Than $12.8 Million in American Rescue Plan Funding to Support Homeless Students
03/17/2021 Hoyer Statement on House Passage of Legislation to Award U.S. Capitol Police and D.C. Metropolitan Police with Congressional Gold Medals
07/24/2020 Hoyer, Langevin Introduce Resolution Marking 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
07/08/2020 Hoyer, Van Hollen, Cardin, Brown Secure Provision for Family of Slain ROTC Graduate Lt. Richard Collins in House and Senate NDAA
01/21/2020 Hoyer, Sarbanes Participate in Roundtable Discussion Marking 10 Years Since Citizens United Supreme Court Decision
01/14/2020 Hoyer: House Will Vote on Lee & Khanna Iran Bills the Week of January 27
12/20/2019 MEMO TO MEDIA: House Democrats' First Year: A Record of Results
10/18/2019 The House Passes a Resolution Opposing the President's Actions in Syria
10/04/2019 House Democrats Continue to Work For The People
04/12/2019 House Democrats Mark 100 Days of Fighting For The People
03/26/2019 Hoyer: Republicans Set Dangerous Precedent, Allow the President to Ignore the House of Representatives
03/25/2019 Hoyer Statement on AIPAC Remarks
03/12/2019 Hoyer Testimony Before Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress
03/12/2019 Sunshine Week: House Democrats Shine a Light on Open, Transparent Government For The People
12/13/2017 Hoyer Discusses Delaying Consideration of the GOP Tax Bill Until Senator-Elect Doug Jones Is Sworn Into Office on CNBC
11/21/2017 Hoyer Statement on Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
11/01/2017 Hoyer Submits Testimony Against Garrett Nomination
09/07/2017 Hoyer, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Announce Process to Launch a Discharge Petition to Force a Vote on the DREAM Act
07/24/2017 Hoyer: It's a Mistake for Republicans to Consider Intelligence Authorization Act Under Suspension
07/13/2017 Hoyer Discusses TrumpCare and the Trump Campaign's Ties to Russia on MSNBC
03/30/2017 Hoyer Unveils "Whip Watch 2.0" App to Continue Making the House of Representatives More Open, Accessible

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