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Steny Hoyer's Public Statements on Issue: Reproduction


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MD) - District 5

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Date Title
06/24/2022 House Democrats Stand Against Overturn of Roe; Pass Historic Legislation to Address Gun Violence
06/24/2022 Hoyer Statement on Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade
04/01/2022 Hoyer Statement on Bill Restricting Women's Access to Health Care in the Puerto Rico Senate
02/28/2022 Hoyer Statement On Senate Republicans' Vote to Block Consideration of the Women's Health Protection Act
12/01/2021 Hoyer Statement on SCOTUS Oral Arguments on the Mississippi Abortion Ban
10/02/2020 Hoyer Statement on Passage of House Resolution to Condemn Unwanted Medical Procedures Without Consent
07/08/2020 Hoyer Statement on Supreme Court Decision on ACA Contraceptive Case
06/29/2020 Hoyer Statement on the Supreme Court Striking Down Louisiana Abortion Law
02/26/2020 Hoyer Statement on Senate Republicans' Attempt to Limit Women's Reproductive Rights
06/05/2019 Congresswomen Adams and Underwood Introduce the CARE for Families Act
05/15/2019 Hoyer Statement on Abortion Bans in Alabama and Georgia
09/12/2018 Hoyer Statement on the Appointment of Dr. Leana Wen as the new President of Planned Parenthood
06/26/2018 Hoyer Statement on SCOTUS Ruling Limiting Women's Access to Reproductive Information
10/06/2017 Hoyer Statement on Trump Administration's Decision to Roll Back Women's Access to Contraception
01/23/2017 Hoyer Statement on President Trump's Executive Order Reinstating Global Gag-Rule
05/13/2016 Hoyer: I Urge House Republicans to Disband Select Committee to Attack Women's Health
01/22/2016 Hoyer Statement on the Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Decision
01/08/2016 Hoyer Statement on Postponement of Vote to Override President's Veto of GOP Reconciliation Bill
01/05/2016 Hoyer Statement on Amicus Brief on Reproductive Rights Before the Supreme Court
10/07/2015 Hoyer Statement on House Republicans' Vote to Establish Select Panel Attacking Women's Health
10/01/2015 Hoyer Statement on Chairman Chaffetz's Comments on Planned Parenthood
06/30/2014 Hoyer Statement on Supreme Court Decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby
06/18/2013 Hoyer Statement on Abortion Bill
01/22/2013 Hoyer Statement on Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
07/31/2012 Hoyer Statement on DC Abortion Bill

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