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John Dingell's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure


Date Title
03/11/2014 Letter to David Friedman, Acting Administrator of the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration - Information on GM Recalls
03/11/2014 Letter to Mary Barra, Cheif Executive Officer of the General Motors Company - Information on Auto Recall
02/10/2014 Letter to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) - Great Lakes Navigation System
01/31/2014 Letter to Gina McCarthy, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Tier 3 Standards
02/10/2012 Letter to Russell K. Girling, President & CEO TransCanada Corporation
12/07/2011 Letter to President Obama
11/04/2011 Letter to Honorable Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense
07/22/2011 Letter to President Obama
06/01/2011 Letter to Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member Dicks
12/08/2010 Letter to Lisa Jackson, Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Ray LaHood, Secretary U.S. Department of Transportation
11/18/2010 Letter to John Pistole, Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration
02/26/2010 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Bring GM to Negotiating Table and Save Delphi Pensions
02/03/2010 Letter To Toyota And The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
07/29/2009 Letter to Mr. Ronald Medford, Acting Deputy Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
06/19/2009 Letter To Ron Bloom And Steven Rattner, Member's Of President Obama's Auto Task Force
06/04/2009 Letter To Mr. Frederick Henderson, CEO, General Motors Corp.
02/10/2009 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Harry Reid, and Mitchell McConnell - Leadership of the House of Representatives
11/03/2005 Letter to Speaker Dennis Hastert, United States House of Representatives - International Solid Waste Importation and Management Act of 2005