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Donald Payne's Public Statements on Issue: National Security


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Date Title
12/16/2011 Letter to Eric H. Holder, Jr. Attorney General -
10/13/2011 Letter to Members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
09/21/2011 Letter to Co-Chairs and Members of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
08/30/2011 Letter to President Obama
06/21/2011 Letter to The Honorable Barack H. Obama, President of the United States
05/10/2011 Letter to Chairman McKeon
05/03/2011 Congratulating President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden
02/18/2011 Opposition to McClintock Amendment #287, to Eliminate Funding to Inter American Foundation (IAF)
03/29/2010 Letter to Barack Obama, President Of The United States - Declare Nor'easter Storm Damage as Major Disaster in New Jersey
11/18/2009 Payne Votes To Boost Resources For America's Fire Departments
09/16/2009 Payne Votes to Boost American Innovation, Protect Jobs, National Security
07/09/2009 Payne Votes To Rebuild Diplomacy, Relations Abroad
06/10/2009 Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2010 And 2011
05/13/2009 Hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee - Building Capacity to Protect U.S. National Security: the Fiscal Year 2010 International Affairs Budget
03/31/2009 Payne Votes to Send Landmark National Service Bill to President Obama
03/18/2009 Payne Votes to Renew America's Commitment to Service
08/01/2008 Caribbean-American Heritage Month Need for the United States to Foster Relationships With Caribbean Nations, Such as the Netherlands Antilles, and Support Efforts to Improve Financial and Geopolitical Stability in the Region
10/24/2007 Hearing of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs - U.S. Policy in the Middle East
10/03/2007 Payne Ethiopian Democracy Bill Passes House
10/02/2007 Foreign Service Victims of Terrorism Act of 2007
05/29/2007 Payne Calls Bush's New Sudan Sanctions, "Small Step in the Right Direction"
09/20/2006 Genocide In Darfur, Sudan
04/05/2006 Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006
03/07/2006 USA Patriot Act Additional Reauthorizing Amendments Act of 2006
02/06/2006 Olver Opposes Warrantless Spying on Americans

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