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Eliot Engel's Public Statements on Issue: Guns

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Date Title
06/17/2020 Engel Statement on 5 Years Since Mother Emanuel Church Shooting
06/05/2020 Engel Issues Statement on Gun Violence Awareness Day
02/27/2020 Engel Statement on 1-Year Since H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112 Passed in The House
02/14/2020 Engel Statement on 2nd Anniversary of Parkland Shooting
11/12/2019 Engel statement on Supreme Court permitting Sandy Hook parents lawsuit against gun manufacturer
10/28/2019 Engel meets with gun violence advocate Shai Stephenson in Mount Vernon
09/12/2019 Torres, Engel, Schneider reintroduce bill to update reporting requirements for semi-automatic rifles
09/10/2019 Engel Attends House Gun Violence Prevention Forum
08/06/2019 Engel Calls for Greater Gun Control at Westchester Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence
07/25/2019 Engel Condemns Trump's Veto of Arms Sale Resolutions
07/16/2019 Torres, Engel Measure to Block Trump Administration Proposal to Deregulate Firearm Exports Passes on House Floor
02/28/2019 Engel Statement on House Passage of H.R. 1112 the Enhanced Background Checks Act
02/27/2019 Engel Statement on House Passage of H.R. 8 the Bipartisan Background Checks Act
02/18/2019 Engel, House Dems Reintroduce Assault Weapons Ban
11/14/2018 Bipartisan Task Force Applauds Passage of Resolution Condemning Tree of Life Attack
11/08/2018 Bipartisan Task Force and Rep. Doyle Introduce Resolution Condemning Tree of Life Attack
10/29/2018 Statement from the Bipartisan Anti-Semitism Taskforce on Tree of Life Synagogue Attack
08/27/2018 Engel Statement on Court Ruling on 3-D Printed Guns
07/31/2018 Engel: 3D-Printed Guns Are Another Crisis of Trump's Creation, but He Can Limit the Damage
06/01/2018 Engel Statement on National Gun Violence Awareness Day
02/23/2018 Engel Responds To President Trump's Claim That "It's Not Going To Be Talk Like It Has Been In The Past" With Fixing Gun Laws
02/16/2018 Engel: It Is Unacceptable That Republicans Continue to Tolerate These Mass Shootings
12/06/2017 Engel Votes Against H.R. 38, The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act
10/02/2017 Engel Statement on Worst Mass Shooting in United States History
06/02/2017 Engel Marks National Gun Violence Awareness Day

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