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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

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Date Title
05/12/2020 Trump Administration
05/01/2020 Tweet - "It was President Trump and Senator McConnell who raised taxes on the middle class in New York by raising SALT taxes in their tax scam giveaway for corporations and the wealthiest few. I fought this. I'm still fighting it. President Trump imposed this. More desperate Trump lies."
04/24/2020 Tweet - "It's hypocrisy from Senator McConnell His $2T tax cut for the wealthiest few went to corporate stock buybacks and exploded the deficit But now he suggests bankrupting states because of the deficit when jobs for police officers, firefighters, teachers, and more are on the line?"
04/17/2020 Tweet - "We pushed the Trump administration to make this move. This means that low-income veterans receiving VA benefits will automatically receive their stimulus payments, without requiring them to file with the IRS."
04/15/2020 Tweet - "We fought to make sure Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients would automatically receive stimulus payments without requiring them to file with the IRS. Now Treasury needs to quickly do the same for low-income veterans receiving VA benefits."
04/06/2020 Tweet - "Lives are at risk. Medical workers don't have critical supplies or hazard pay. Unemployment is soaring. But the Trump administration wants to deliver huge tax cuts to the wealthiest few? That's ridiculous. Absolutely not."
04/03/2020 Schumer successfully demands IRS send emergency $$$ to NY seniors & most vulnerable on Social Security without requiring bureaucratic paperwork; following Schumer's call, IRS reverses course & streamlines money to NY seniors
04/01/2020 Tweet - "We called for this. Because Social Security recipients, our vulnerable seniors, and people with disabilities MUST get the critical direct cash assistance from our new coronavirus response bill without having to file tax returns."
04/01/2020 Tweet - "To the IRS and the Social Security Administration: Social Security recipients, our vulnerable seniors, and people with disabilities MUST be able to get the critical direct cash assistance from our new coronavirus response bill without having to file tax returns."
04/01/2020 Letter to Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury, and Andrew Saul, Commissioner of the Social Security Administration - Baldwin, Senate Colleagues Call for Social Security Recipients to Get Cares Act Direct Cash Assistance without having to File Tax Return
03/30/2020 Tweet - "We built robust, multilayered accountability and transparency mechanisms to ensure taxpayer funds are properly used to protect workers and people. Glenn Fine must exercise his full oversight authority to ensure that the Trump administration implements the CARES Act as intended."
03/17/2020 Tweet - "We're proposing an initial infusion of at least $750B It's bold but targeted to those most in need: Hospitals Treatment Unemployment Medicaid Forbearance for federal mortgages Small biz Child care Seniors But Trump admin's reportedly proposing industry bailout & payroll tax cut"
03/11/2020 Tweet - "On economic relief, our priority should be people and families--not corporate interests Targeted measures to give working families flexibility & support as we combat coronavirus NOT bailing out the oil & gas industry NOT de-regulating the banking industry NOT a corporate tax cut"
03/11/2020 Letter to Charles Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Carper Joins Menendez, Murray in Requesting IRS Extend Tax-Filing Deadline for Individual Taxpayers
03/10/2020 Tweet - "The Trump administration seems to believe that the answer to any problem is a tax cut. This is a HEALTH CARE crisis. It demands a HEALTH CARE solution. The best way to ensure economic security for the American people is to deal with the coronavirus itself."
03/10/2020 Tweet - "You know what doesn't help stop the spread of the coronavirus? More corporate tax cuts. You know what does help stop the spread of the coronavirus? Steady, smart, competent leadership from the government."
03/10/2020 Tweet - "The Trump administration seems to believe that the answer to any problem is a tax cut. This is a HEALTH CARE crisis. It demands a HEALTH CARE solution. The best way to ensure economic security for the American people is to deal with the coronavirus itself."
02/29/2020 Tweet - "This is still the #DailyLie from President Trump's admin. They claimed the Trump-GOP tax bill would be economic "rocket fuel," but it just funneled cash to the wealthiest few. Now they want to do it again? And don't forget: They want to cut Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare."
02/28/2020 Tweet - "They want to cut Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. But they're ready to give more tax breaks to corporations who spent trillions on stock buybacks instead of making investments in workers and wages?"
02/28/2020 Tweet - "#DailyLie from President Trump's admin: They promised the Trump-GOP tax bill would be economic "rocket fuel" Instead it funneled cash to the wealthiest few Now they want to do it again while saying we have to cut Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare!?"
02/27/2020 Tweet - "New data shows business investment declined for 3 straight quarters Pres. Trump promised the Trump-GOP tax bill would be economic "rocket fuel" Instead it's just funneled cash to the wealthiest few We won't stop saying this--It's Pres. Trump's #DailyLie"
02/11/2020 Letter to the Hon. Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee - Durbin, Democrat Colleagues Call For Action On Energy Tax Policy
02/11/2020 Tweet - "$1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid & Affordable Care Act tax credits, hundreds of billions in cuts to Medicare, millions of lives in jeopardy Pres. Trump's budget makes clear his #SOTU pledge--to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions--is a bald-faced lie It's his #DailyLie"
02/06/2020 Tweet - "Pres. Trump keeps talking about his tax law. Today, Sec. Mnuchin repeated it'd pay for itself. That's the #DailyLie today Because the GOP tax law didn't work. The deficit exploded. We can't let them raid Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security to pay for it."
01/29/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - Wyden, Merkley Demand Trump Publicly Commit To Protecting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

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