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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

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Date Title
03/23/2024 Chuck Schumer's Message about Government Funding Bill
05/03/2022 Tweet - "The Senate will hold a vote on legislation to codify the right to an abortion in law. This is not an abstract exercise. This is urgent. We will vote on protecting a women's right to choose, and every American is going to see which side every senator stands on"
03/21/2022 Tweet - "I just took next steps to move forward on the competition and jobs bill to: --Lower costs for families --Boost manufacturing jobs in America --Fix bottlenecks in our supply chains --Fuel scientific research Congress will continue the work to pass this important legislation."
03/12/2022 Tweet - "Here's what this week looked like in the United States Senate: Passed the Emmett Till Antilynching Act Passed Postal Reform Passed the Budget Agreement Passed Aid to Ukraine Passed the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act"
03/10/2022 Tweet - "Passed by the Senate this week: Emmett Till Antilynching Act Postal Service Reform Act The Budget Agreement Aid to Ukraine The Reauthorized Violence Against Women Act"
03/06/2022 Tweet - "Thank you to NY Assemblymember @MannyDeLosSanto for having me to help open your new district office in Inwood!"
03/03/2022 Tweet - "Senator Luján--Welcome Back!"
01/11/2022 Tweet: If Senate Republicans continue to hijack the rules of the Senate to prevent us from protecting the right to vote: Senate Democrats will move forward as soon as tomorrow to restore the function of the Senate and pass legislation to defend democracy and protect voting rights.
01/11/2022 Tweet: You heard it: In Georgia, President Biden made a strong case for the Senate to pass legislation to protect the sacred right to vote--and to take whatever steps necessary to accomplish that goal. And as soon as tomorrow, the Senate will move forward.
01/07/2022 Tweet: I'm leading @SenateDems in taking over the Senate floor today as we move forward on voting rights. If Republicans continue to block action on protecting our democracy: We will debate and consider changes to the rules on or before January 17, MLK Day.
01/04/2022 Tweet: If Republicans continue to hijack the rules of the Senate to prevent action on protecting our democracy: We will debate and consider changes to the rules on or before January 17, Martin Luther king Jr. Day. The stakes could not be higher. We will move forward.
12/28/2021 Tweet - "With the 40 Biden judicial nominees we confirmed this year: No President since JFK has had more circuit/district court judges confirmed in their first year. And they bring needed demographic and professional diversity to the judiciary."
12/18/2021 Tweet - "I'm so proud we confirmed Judge Jinsook Ohta as a district judge for the Southern District of California. She's now the first AAPI woman to serve as a federal judge in this district!"
12/18/2021 Tweet - "The Senate confirmed 9 more district court judges, 41 more ambassadors, 7 additional members of President Biden's team, and more!"
11/19/2021 Tweet - "The House has taken an important step to advance Build Back Better to cut middle-class taxes; invest in child care, universal pre-K, affordable housing; lower Rx costs; fight climate change; create jobs; more. We will act as quickly as possible to get this bill to @POTUS 's desk."
11/12/2021 Tweet - "And to every other Trump sycophant ignoring or thinking about ignoring a Congressional subpoena: I hope you're paying attention. There will be consequences for your actions."
11/09/2021 Tweet - "What a disgusting video from a pathetic man."
10/04/2021 Tweet - "Republicans are the party of economic disaster @POTUS was crystal clear this morning: If Republicans don't get out of the way, our government will likely default for the first time ever I will set up a cloture vote to move forward the House-passed bill to suspend the debt limit"
09/19/2021 Tweet - "We are deeply disappointed in this decision but the fight to provide lawful status for immigrants in budget reconciliation continues. We will continue fighting to pursue the best path forward to grant them the ability to obtain lawful status. My statement:"
07/29/2021 Tweet - "The Capitol Police risked their lives to protect our Capitol and our democracy. And today: The Senate and House passed the bill to support them."
07/28/2021 Tweet - "The testimony America heard yesterday from our brave Capitol Police Officers was powerful and harrowing--and it necessary for everyone to hear I was proud to meet with Officer Dunn today The House Select Committee will proceed with its investigation of the January 6 insurrection"
07/27/2021 Tweet - "Republican Leaders wanted to thwart this investigation of January 6th For what? Fear of Trump? The belief that their political viability hinges on whitewashing an attempted coup? But the House Select Committee will proceed with its investigation of the January 6th insurrection"
06/11/2021 Tweet - "A gross abuse of power. An assault on the separation of powers. Barr, Sessions, and other officials involved must testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee under oath. If they refuse--they are subject to being subpoenaed and compelled to testify."
05/26/2021 Tweet - "Last night, I took the next steps to move forward on the House-passed legislation to create an independent commission to investigate and report on the events of January 6th. The Senate will vote on the January 6th commission this week."
05/26/2021 Tweet - "After January 6th Republicans have defended the insurrectionists, blamed antifa, pretended it was a peaceful protest Rep. Cheney was fired for saying Joe Biden is President This is a perilous moment--still--for our democracy The Senate will vote on the January 6th Commission"

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