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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion

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09/28/2022 Tweet - "An AZ judge upheld a radical abortion ban dating from the 1860s The right to choose has been practically eliminated in AZ--and the MAGA state attorney celebrated it MAGA Republicans are working to make abortion rights extinct Dems will not stop fighting for the right to choose"
05/11/2022 Tweet - "For MAGA Republicans, this has always been about making abortion illegal everywhere. Today, the Senate will vote on the Women's Health Protection Act to codify abortion rights into federal law. We'll see where every senator stands."
05/10/2022 Tweet - "For MAGA Republicans, this has never been about states' rights. It has always been about getting rid of abortion altogether. Tomorrow, the Senate will vote on the Women's Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights. We will see where every single senator stands."
05/10/2022 Tweet - "Tomorrow, the Senate will vote on protecting one of the most fundamental freedoms that women have in this country: The freedom to choose whether or not to have an abortion. Americans will see where every single senator stands."
05/09/2022 Tweet - "The GOP's tried to hide their hostility to abortion by claiming all they want is to let states decide But Sen. McConnell is making it clear--that's just a smokescreen for an abortion ban We will vote on abortion rights and see where every senator stands"
05/07/2022 Tweet - "We're rallying together on Long Island today for reproductive rights! The Senate will vote next week on the Women's Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights. We'll see where every single senator stands."
05/04/2022 Tweet - "The Supreme Court's reported decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is an utter abomination. This Senate will vote on protecting a woman's right to choose. Every American is going to see where every senator stands."
05/03/2022 Tweet - "This Senate will vote on the urgent need to protect a woman's right to choose. Americans are going to see where every senator stands. Senate Democrats are standing together to fight this awful decision coming from the Roberts Court."
05/03/2022 Tweet - "We will vote on protecting a women's right to choose--Americans will see where every senator stands Republicans are shamefully scrambling to distract They're focusing on the leak because they don't want to focus on Roe v. Wade They know they're on the wrong side of the people"
05/03/2022 Tweet - "The Senate will hold a vote on legislation to codify the right to an abortion in law. This is not an abstract exercise. This is urgent. We will vote on protecting a women's right to choose, and every American is going to see which side every senator stands on"
05/02/2022 Tweet - "If the report is accurate, the Roberts Court is poised to inflict the greatest restriction of rights in the past fifty years. The Republican-appointed Justices' reported votes to overturn Roe v. Wade would go down as an abomination."
05/02/2022 Tweet - "Several conservative Justices, who are in no way accountable to the people, have lied to the Senate, ripped up the Constitution, and defiled precedent and the Court's reputation--all at the expense of women who could soon be stripped of bodily autonomy and constitutional rights."
02/28/2022 Tweet - "Abortion is a fundamental right. Women's decisions over women's health care belong to women, not to extremist right-wing legislatures. Today, the Senate will vote on moving forward on the Women's Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights."
02/26/2022 Tweet - "We are in the midst of an unprecedented number of unconscionable, Republican attacks on reproductive rights across the country. We will vote on the Women's Health Protection Act to stop these attacks and make abortion care a reality for everyone."
02/25/2022 Tweet - "I was proud to stand with so many organizers, elected officials, and advocates in New York as we work to protect safe, legal access to abortion. The Senate will vote on the Women's Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights."
01/22/2022 Tweet: As we mark its 49th anniversary today, we're facing the greatest threats to Roe v Wade we've seen in a generation. A woman's right to choose is a fundamental right. And this Senate will vote on the Women's Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights.
12/10/2021 Tweet - "The Supreme Court is allowing the #SB8 challenge to go ahead, but their refusal once again to block Texas' unconstitutional abortion ban puts millions in harm's way. The Senate will vote on the Women's Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights."
12/01/2021 Tweet - "We're standing together because this is perhaps the greatest threat to Roe v Wade we've seen in a generation. #AbortionIsEssential. And this Senate will vote on the Women's Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights."
12/01/2021 Tweet - "Abortion is a fundamental right. We're rallying at SCOTUS because they're hearing arguments in a case that's perhaps the greatest threat to Roe v Wade in a generation. The Senate will vote on the Women's Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights."
09/24/2021 Tweet - "We're seeing unprecedented, unconscionable GOP attacks on reproductive rights laced with vicious vigilantism Congress must protect the constitutional right to abortion We're proud the House passed Women's Health Protection Act The Senate will vote soon"
09/01/2021 Tweet - "The Supreme Court's decision to do nothing and let this appalling Texas law go into effect is an effort to rip away women's rights, health, and reproductive freedoms. This fight is only just beginning. Democrats will fight against #SB8 and for Roe v. Wade."
10/26/2020 Tweet - "A warming planet. Workers falling behind. Dark money flooding politics. The curtailing of the right to choose. The limiting of voting rights. Those are the consequences of this nomination. We will never not stop fighting for the health care, lives, and freedoms of Americans."
10/26/2020 Tweet - "If qualifications are the only thing that matter, President Trump wouldn't have said that if he gets to appoint two or three justices to the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade would be overturned "automatically". Democrats will not stop fighting for the right to choose."
10/11/2020 Tweet - "Judge Barrett's record clearly shows that she would vote to strike down the ACA and overturn Roe. Nothing in her opening statement changes that. A vote for Judge Barrett is a vote to take health care from millions. It's a vote to vastly curtail women's reproductive freedoms."
10/01/2020 Tweet - "A vote by any Senator to confirm Judge Barrett is a vote to terminate the Affordable Care Act and overturn a woman's right to choose. Democrats are fighting for Americans' health care and women's rights."

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