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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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03/20/2020 Tweet - "Today, I talked to President Trump on the phone about fighting for public health: I urged him to IMMEDIATELY use the Defense Production Act to get ventilators and other critical medical equipment to those who need it. He told me he would do it. We need this now!"
03/20/2020 Tweet - "President Trump, @SecPompeo , and Secretary @EsperDoD should be using every tool in the toolbox to help U.S. citizens stranded abroad."
03/20/2020 Tweet - "Pres. Trump told me today he'll IMMEDIATELY use Defense Production Act to get critical medical equipment made & into the hands of those who need it We need this now--Hospitals in NY & nationwide need tests, ventilators, personal protective equipment, more"
03/19/2020 Tweet - "What is going on here, President Trump? We called on you to invoke the Defense Production Act. But in addition, we expect you to use it immediately. Why aren't you using this authority now to make testing kits, masks, beds, ventilators?"
03/18/2020 Tweet - "Making sure doctors and nurses have everything they need is our top priority We need masks, hospital beds, ventilators We still need testing kits President Trump just took an important step by heeding our call to invoke Defense Protection Act But so much more is needed NOW"
03/18/2020 Tweet - "We need to make sure doctors & nurses have everything they need Testing kits, masks, beds, ventilators President Trump took a 1st step by heeding our call to use the Defense Protection Act to fight the shortages But his admin still has so much more to do to fight coronavirus"
03/17/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Durbin, Senators Urge President To Use Existing DPA Authority To Address Shortages Of Medical Equipment Needed To Treat And Prevent Spread Of COVID-19
03/11/2020 Tweet - "In February: a bipartisan majority of Senators sent a clear message saying President Trump cannot wage war with Iran without Congress's approval. Today: the House passed the same resolution. President Trump: No more endless wars. Sign Senator Kaine's War Powers Resolution now."
03/10/2020 Letter to the Hon. Ryan McCarthy, Secretary of the U.S. Army - Schumer urges Army to replace Fort Drum fire department's two-decade old emergency apparatus; senator says without operational ladder truck and sufficient number of fire engines, courageous Fort Drum first responders are severely hamstrung
03/04/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mark Esper, Secretary of the United States Department of Defense - U.S. Senator Tina Smith & Democratic Senate Colleagues Defend Right of Department of Defense Civilian Workers to Engage in Collective Bargaining
02/13/2020 Tweet - "The Senate just passed Senator Kaine's War Powers Resolution to tell President Trump: Enough with the endless wars. Enough of the president sidestepping Congress in matters of war and peace. Enough unilateral action that risks a massive escalation of hostilities."
02/13/2020 Tweet - "As part of passing the War Powers Resolution: The Senate voted together 99-0 to acknowledge over 100 service members are suffering Traumatic Brain Injury from the Iranian strike They're not just "headaches." They deserve our support and the medical resources needed to get well."
02/13/2020 Tweet - "BREAKING: With Senator Kaine's War Powers Resolution now passed, A bipartisan majority of Senators just sent a clear shot across the bow saying President Trump cannot wage war without Congress's explicit approval."
02/13/2020 Letter to Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense - Shaheen Leads Bipartisan Effort to Add Lost Navy Sailors to Vietnam Memorial, Requests Meeting with Defense Secretary
02/13/2020 Tweet - "For nearly a year, Pres. Trump's been taking critical resources away from our service members & their families. Clearly, it wasn't enough for him to raid funds for families so now he is taking away additional funds for equipment, ships, fighter jets, cargo planes for our troops."
02/13/2020 Tweet - "President Trump does not have the authority to enter the United States into another endless war. But I fear he may bumble us into one nonetheless. The Senate must vote for Senator Kaine's War Powers Resolution and assert Congress's authority over war and peace."
02/12/2020 Tweet - "With Senator Kaine's War Powers Resolution: The Senate can assert its Constitutional authority and send a clear, bipartisan message to President Trump that he cannot sidestep Congress when it comes war and peace. Americans do not want another endless war."
02/12/2020 Tweet - "Americans do not want another endless war. And President Trump does not have the authority for a war with Iran. This War Powers Resolution can send a clear, bipartisan message to President Trump and assert Congress's authority over war and peace."
02/07/2020 Tweet - "The Pentagon assured me that patriots & whistleblowers like LTC Vindman will be protected. Any reprisals against him or others who came forward to tell the truth are wrong and should be seen for what they are: An extension of President Trump's cover-up."
01/29/2020 Schumer statement on Navy awarding Lockheed Martin in Salina +$185m contract to modernize electronic warfare equipment
01/25/2020 Tweet - "LTC Vindman is a patriot. He does not deserve these disgraceful attacks for defending the Constitution. The Department of Defense must live up to what they told me, stand up for LTC Vindman, and protect him from reprisals. @EsperDoD should condemn Senator Blackburn's comments."
01/23/2020 Letter to the Hon. Ryan McCarthy, Secretary of the U.S. Army - Schumer, Gillibrand urge Army to select Fort Drum for new Corps headquarters; senators say Fort Drum's world-class personnel, existing infrastructure and deployable readiness capabilities make it the perfect home for critical capacity
01/17/2020 Schumer, Gillibrand and Brindisi Announce Construction will Finally Start on Long-Awaited and Once Threatened Rome Lab Perimeter Security; Reps say $13.15m Army Corps Contract Marks Major Progress in Effort to Shield Rome Lab from Potential Harm
01/15/2020 Durbin, Top Senate Dems Vow Vote To Reverse Trump Decision To Divert Pentagon Funds TO Pay For Border Wall
01/15/2020 Tweet - "Last time Pres. Trump raided money from military construction for his border wall: Kentucky schools, North Carolina medical facilities, Florida hurricane recovery projects all suffered. Now he's trying to do it again. We'll fight this slap in the face to our armed forces."

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