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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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02/03/2022 Tweet - "Thanks to the skill and bravery of our Armed Forces, we have taken off the battle­field the leader of ISIS. I want to thank the incredible work of our brave military servicemembers, who work day and night to keep Americans safe."
08/26/2021 Tweet - "I just spoke to Secretary of Defense Austin about today's heinous attacks targeting U.S. military and civilian personnel, American citizens and residents, and our Afghan partners. My statement on the terror attacks in Afghanistan:"
08/04/2021 Tweet - "Today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted to repeal the authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) in Iraq. The Iraq War's been over for nearly a decade. I will bring the repeal up for a vote on the Senate floor."
07/29/2021 Tweet - "Afghan interpreters and other personnel stood together with and helped our servicemembers, diplomats, and intelligence officers in Afghanistan. And today, the Senate and House passed the bill to provide more special immigrant visas and funding to help keep them safe."
06/16/2021 Tweet - "This week, the Biden admin became the first admin to support repealing the 2002 AUMF in Iraq I support repealing the 2002 AUMF--the Iraq War's been over for nearly a decade @SFRCdems will markup a resolution to repeal the Iraq War AUMF next week This Senate will vote on repeal"
04/14/2021 Tweet - "President Biden announced that American forces will come home from Afghanistan. America doesn't need to fight forever wars."
02/08/2021 Tweet - "Another historic first: Dr. Kath Hicks was unanimously confirmed to be Deputy Secretary of Defense. There's no one more dedicated or qualified. She's the first woman confirmed by the Senate to serve in the job."
01/22/2021 Tweet - "The Senate confirmed President Biden's nominee for Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin. He has the experience and vision for the job, and he will be the first African American to ever helm the Defense Department."
12/30/2020 Tweet - "President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris's selection of Kathleen Hicks is historic. It shows their commitment to putting highly qualified and talented people in key positions. She will be an excellent Deputy Secretary of Defense."
12/15/2020 Tweet - "I sat down today to talk with Lloyd Austin and Denis McDonough, President-elect Joe Biden's nominees to lead the Department of Defense and the VA. We will fight side-by-side for America's servicemembers and for America's veterans."
12/14/2020 Tweet - "If President Trump takes the rather ridiculous step of veto-ing a pay raise for our troops in order to defend dead Confederate traitors: Congress must override that veto."
12/08/2020 Tweet - "I fought for a technical fix ensuring air traffic controllers have the same paid parental leave as all federal employees. I'm proud it's in the defense bill that the House just passed. Next: The Senate! And I won't stop fighting until ALL American workers have this benefit."
12/08/2020 Tweet - "I've been fighting for Vietnam vets @VVAmerica suffering from illnesses linked to Agent Orange I'm proud we expanded these critical health benefits in the bill the House just passed! Next up: Senate Pres. Trump is threatening to veto the benefits to protect Confederate traitors"
12/03/2020 Tweet - "This summer, Trump and Barr deployed unidentifiable federal officers in riot gear to crack down on peaceful demonstrators. @ChrisMurphyCT and I added an amendment to the defense bill to end this abuse of power--ensuring federal law enforcement is identifiable and accountable."
09/15/2020 Tweet - "Of the many lies Trump has told about COVID: Telling Bob Woodward "nothing more could have been done" is one of the most galling. He still does not have an adequate national testing strategy or an adequate national plan for contact tracing. He never fully invoked the DPA."
07/30/2020 Tweet - "The GOP is fighting for large agribusinesses, defense contractors, the Trump family. Dems are fighting for the unemployed, Medicaid, safe nursing homes, Americans with disabilities, hungry kids, renters, industries like clean energy that've lost half a million jobs since March."
07/28/2020 Tweet - "The Republican bill includes a $20 billion slush fund for large agribusinesses, but it doesn't provide a dime in food assistance to hungry kids. It includes a $30 billion wish list for defense contractors, but no funding to make sure Americans can vote safely in November."
07/28/2020 Tweet - ""Let them eat cake." The cover of the @NYDailyNews this morning sums up the Republican COVID plan. Who are Republicans fighting for in this COVID proposal? Big banks. Defense contractors. Members of the Trump family. Not American families, workers, or the unemployed."
07/24/2020 Tweet - "It's unacceptable--over 155yrs after the Civil War--bases still bear names of traitorous Confederate officers who fought for slavery & white supremacy I proudly stood with @SenWarren @SenJackReed @SenateDems to pass bipartisan provision to rename them"
07/22/2020 Tweet - "Make no mistake: Frontline workers still do not have the PPE and testing supplies they need because President Trump failed to fully invoke the DPA. I just took to the Senate floor with Senator Baldwin and Senator Murphy to demand this change. But Senate Republicans objected."
07/21/2020 Tweet - "DOD's 1033 program is one of the main ways local police departments are getting their hands on weapons of war--grenades, tear gas, armored vehicles, and other military-grade weapons. I support Senator Schatz's amendment that we're voting on today to #DemilitarizeThePolice."
07/20/2020 Tweet - "Fort Henry Johnson has a nice ring to it. Albany's Sergeant Henry Johnson was awarded the Medal of Honor in 2015. A member of a WWI all-Black infantry group, he singlehandedly repelled a group of German soldiers to save a fellow soldier from capture."
07/15/2020 Tweet - "President Trump and Peter Navarro could've used the DPA to increase PPE production months ago. They failed."
07/13/2020 Tweet - "I called on President Trump months ago to invoke the DPA to increase production of PPE. He failed. Now with record levels of COVID, frontline workers are risking their lives without critical protective equipment. President Trump isn't getting the job done."
07/10/2020 Tweet - "Proud I fought alongside @SenSanders to ensure we vote in July on his amendment to cut $740B defense budget by 10% and put $$ into priorities like health care, housing, childcare in communities with 25%+ poverty--including many communities of color I proudly support the amendment"

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