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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch

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Date Title
11/10/2022 Tweet - "This MAGA judge is siding with the special interests over what's best for the people. This is why we need a Senate Democratic Majority. But the law is on our side and we will keep fighting for the millions of Americans with student debt."
11/10/2022 Tweet - "This MAGA judge is siding with the special interests over what's best for the people. This is why we need a Senate Democratic Majority. But the law is on our side and we will keep fighting for the millions of Americans with student debt."
09/28/2022 Tweet - "An AZ judge upheld a radical abortion ban dating from the 1860s The right to choose has been practically eliminated in AZ--and the MAGA state attorney celebrated it MAGA Republicans are working to make abortion rights extinct Dems will not stop fighting for the right to choose"
09/08/2022 Tweet - "A hard-right judge is threatening Americans' right to access free preventative care This could now risk access to breast cancer and cholesterol screenings, free vaccines, more Dems are fighting to protect people's health care, and we're focused on confirming judges who will too"
09/08/2022 Tweet - "The Senate has confirmed Andre Mathis as Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit. He is the first Black man confirmed to the Sixth Circuit in nearly a quarter of a century, and he will make an excellent judge!"
07/19/2022 Tweet - "Big news: The Senate has now confirmed 73 of President Biden's diverse, well-qualified judicial nominees to the federal bench!"
07/19/2022 Tweet - "The Senate has just confirmed Judge Michelle Childs to the DC Circuit! She's a remarkable jurist, and she's now the fourth Black woman ever to sit on the DC Circuit."
07/18/2022 Tweet - "This Senate has now confirmed 70 federal judges appointed by @POTUS . And this week, we are going to keep going by confirming more diverse and well-qualified judicial nominees to the federal bench, including Judge Michelle Childs to serve as a Circuit Judge on the DC Circuit!"
06/30/2022 Tweet - "The decades-long fight to protect citizens from corporate polluters is being wiped out by these MAGA extremist justices Every Republican who helped seat these justices is complicit It's all the more imperative that we soon pass meaningful legislation to fight the climate crisis"
06/29/2022 Tweet - "With MAGA Republicans and a MAGA extremist Supreme Court attacking LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, and so much more: We will keep fighting and we will keep working for the rights of all Americans."
06/24/2022 Tweet - "Today is one of the darkest days our country has ever seen American women are having their rights taken by 5 unelected Justices on the extremist MAGA court These justices--appointed by Republicans and presiding without accountability--have stolen the fundamental right to abortion"
06/24/2022 Tweet - "Today is one of the darkest days our country has ever seen American women are having their rights taken by 5 unelected Justices on the extremist MAGA court These justices--appointed by Republicans and presiding without accountability--have stolen the fundamental right to abortion"
06/22/2022 Tweet - "This Senate is now on the brink of passing the first significant gun safety bill in decades. This is real progress. It will save lives. And I intend to keep the process moving quickly to secure final passage before the end of the week."
06/22/2022 Tweet - "This Senate is moving ahead on even more of President Biden's highly qualified and diverse judicial nominees. Today, we are one step closer to confirming Arianna Freeman--who will make HISTORY as the first Black woman to serve as a Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit."
06/17/2022 Tweet - "I'm thrilled that @POTUS has nominated three excellent and experienced Puerto Rican women to sit on the US District Court for the District of Puerto Rico. I look forward to confirming them in the Senate!"
06/10/2022 Tweet - "I'm PROUD to have recommended & confirmed two openly lesbian federal judges from NY: Judge Ali Nathan to the 2nd Circuit Nina Morrison for the Eastern District Both will be superb judges who ensure our courts reflect those they serve--we'll keep going!"
05/05/2022 Tweet - GOP politicians nationwide are passing laws telling women: your body, our choice So much for the party of limited government. And now the Roberts Court is set to tear down Roe. The Senate will vote next week on protecting abortion rights. We'll see where every senator stands."
05/05/2022 Tweet - "With the Roberts Court on the verge of tearing down Roe v. Wade, Senate Republicans suddenly don't want to talk about their complicity in this effort. No more. The Senate will vote next week on protecting abortion rights. Americans will see where every single Senator stands."
04/27/2022 Tweet - "Today, I had the honor to introduce Nusrat Choudhury to @JudiciaryDems at her confirmation hearing to serve as a federal judge for NY's Eastern District. She's an ACLU Legal Director. And she'd be the 1st Bangladeshi American and 2nd Muslim American to serve as a federal judge!"
04/27/2022 Tweet - "BIG NEWS: This Senate Democratic Majority has now confirmed SIXTY diverse and highly qualified federal judicial nominees to lifetime appointments on the bench!"
04/10/2022 Tweet - "It was great to be back with the NYS Association of Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislators, Inc.! Last night, we celebrated 51 years of their work to support a diverse legislature and the confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as the next Supreme Court Justice!"
04/09/2022 Tweet - "It was such an honor to celebrate together at the White House yesterday the historic Senate confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as our next Supreme Court Justice!"
04/08/2022 Tweet - "Congratulations, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson! You are brilliant. You are beloved. And you belong on the Supreme Court. I'm so proud this Senate confirmed you as the next Supreme Court Justice!"
04/08/2022 Tweet - "This was a wonderful, joyous, and inspiring day coming together at the White House to celebrate the Senate confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as the 116th Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court!"
04/07/2022 Tweet - "Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson will now be the first Black woman and the first former federal public defender to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States of America."

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