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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Transportation

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Date Title
06/18/2018 Letter to Deputy Administrator Henrickson - Don't Claw-Back LI Fed Funds & Don't Needlessly Sink Glen Cove Ferry
06/18/2018 Letter to Deputy Administrator Hendrickson - Don't Claw-Back LI Fed Funds & Don't Needlessly Sink Glen Cove Ferry
06/13/2018 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation - Senators Murray, Casey and 23 of Their Colleagues Call on Transportation Secretary Chao to Follow Through on Her Commitment to Address Sexual Assault and Harassment on Commercial Flights
06/05/2018 Letter to Mr. Corbett and Ms. Rinaldi - Rockland County Commuters Deserve Immediate Alternative to Cancelled Express Trains
05/08/2018 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation - Give the Approvals Needed to Help Chautaugua County Land a New Air Service Provider
03/19/2018 Letter to Inspector General Scovel III and Vice Chairman Dinh-Zarr - Schumer Demands Inspector General Investigation Into Faa Approval Process to Examine How "doors Off' Flights, Dangerous Harness System Ever Received Fed Approval in the First Place; and to Do Thorough Examination of What Other Unsafe Practices Might Still Be Allowed
01/17/2018 Letter to Mr. Foote, CSX - Prioritize and Sustain Maintenance to Prevent Snow/Ice Buildup Causing Gates to Malfunction
01/17/2018 Letter to Ms. Martinez, FAA - FAA Approval Urgently Needed in Order for Perry-Warsaw Airport to Begin the Process of Getting a New Weather Tower System
01/16/2018 Letter to Secretary Chao, Department of Transportation - Institute a Plan to Make Sure Coordination is Better Next Time & So People Aren't in Travel-Hell
01/11/2018 Letter to Mr. Goodman - Unfreeze a $600K Federal Grant Owed to City of Poughkeepsie
01/01/2018 Letter to Secretary Perry, Administrator Batory, and Administrator Elliott - Publish Study and Create Stabilization Standards for Volatile Crude Oil Before It's Shipped Through Backyards
12/21/2017 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation - Sens. Murray, Cantwell, Wyden, Merkley Demand DOT Hold Railroads Accountable for PTC Implementation after Fatal Derailments, Safety Shortfalls
10/02/2017 Letter to Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation - Require Every Charter Bus to Post Safety Grade in Windshield to Give Passengers Information to Choose a Safer Bus
09/12/2017 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation - Modernize Western New York's Public Transportation and Secure Federal Funding
08/21/2017 Letter to Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation - Rollback of Sleep Apnea Rule
07/18/2017 Letter to Brooke Chapman, Associate Director of Small Community Air Service Development - Expand Air Service At Elmira Corning Regional Airport
06/27/2017 Letter to the Hon. John Thune and the Hon. Bill Nelson, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee - Expressing Support for Current Pilot and First Officer Training and Qualification Requirements for Part 121 Airline Pilots in FAA Reauthorization Bill
05/22/2017 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Chao and the Hon. Mick Mulvaney, Secretary of Transportation and Director of the Hoffice of Management and Budget - Denouncing Trump Administration's Threat to Cancel Funding for Shovel-Ready Public Transit Projects
04/19/2017 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation - Senators Urge U.S. DOT Secretary Chao to Visit Century-old NJ, NY Rail Infrastructure
04/17/2017 Letter to Mr. Harrison, CSX - Repeated Concerns by Residents Throughout Ulster County About Nearby Rail-crossings Routinely Blocked by CSX Trains
04/11/2017 Letter to Oscar Munoz, CEO of United Airlines - United's Boarding Policy
04/11/2017 Letter to Mr. Oscar Munoz, United Airlines CEO - United Airlines Passenger Scandal
03/30/2017 Letter to National Transportation Safety Board Chair Christopher Hart - Requesting the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) undertake a comprehensive safety review of the recent string of small plane accidents on Long Island
03/10/2017 Letter to Acting Administrator Patrick T. Warren - Urging the Federal Railroad Administration to immediately review the current federal standards for the time between the activation of train warning signals and the distance of an incoming train
03/08/2017 Letter to Assistant Secretary of the Army Civil Works Doug Lamont - Reiterating my support for the deepening of the Ogdensburg Harbor under the Continuing Authorities Program, Section 107 of the River and Harbor Act of 1960

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