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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Arts, Entertainment, and History

Date Title
12/14/2021 Tonight, the Senate and House joined together in a moment of silence to honor the 800,000 Americans who have lost their lives to the COVID pandemic. We remember them. Tweet - "We hold them close to our hearts. And we will continue to fight to bring this pandemic to an end."
12/14/2021 Tweet - "Today, we remember the 26 lives--children and educators--taken in a senseless act of gun violence at Sandy Hook Elementary School nine years ago. We honor them--and all those lost every day to gun violence--by continuing to work for meaningful gun safety legislation."
12/12/2021 Tweet - "With #SaveOurStages, we delivered $10 million for Proctors Theatre, a Schenectady landmark. And that's why I'm standing today with the cast of @DonnaSummerBway on tour here @atProctors . It's "hot stuff" as Donna Summer might say!"
12/11/2021 Tweet - "I was thrilled to help re-open @DearEvanHansen tonight! And I'm so proud we fought to deliver billions to #SaveOurStages to help so many theaters, venues, artists, stagehands, staff, and more!"
12/07/2021 Tweet - "80 years ago today, 2,403 Americans lost their lives and more were injured in the attack on Pearl Harbor. We remember them and their families. We owe a debt to them and to all who served and sacrificed for our country in World War II."
12/07/2021 Tweet - "Gil Hodges was a titan of baseball. And he was a central part of the Brooklyn community: I remember the excitement of being able to trick-or-treat at his house when I was a kid! I've been pushing for him to be inducted to @BaseballHall , and I'm thrilled that he finally is."