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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

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Date Title
12/13/2021 Letter to Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury and Charles P. Rettig, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service - Menendez and Booker Join Coalition of Democratic Senators in Call to Ensure All Eligible New Jersey Same-Sex Couples Receive Pension Survivor Benefits
02/23/2021 Letter to The Hon. Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of The United States Department of Transportation - Schumer, Gillibrand Urge Dot to Implement Local Hire Pilot Program for Highway and Other Infrastructure Projects
07/07/2020 Letter to William Barr, Attorney General - Senators Request Full Implementation, Enforcement of the Death In Custody Reporting Act
06/22/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Feinstein, Schumer, Klobuchar Call on McConnell to Cancel Vote on Nomination Of Cory Wilson To The Fifth Circuit
06/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Durbin, Schumer, Colleagues Call For GAO Investigation Into Use Of Federal Law Enforcement During Washington, D.C. Protests Following Killing Of George Floyd
06/16/2020 Letter to Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Following SCOTUS Ruling, Collins, Merkley, Baldwin, Booker Lead Bipartisan Push to Bring Equality Act to a Vote
06/16/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell - Feinstein, Merkely, Colleagues Push to Bring Equality Act to a Vote
06/11/2020 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Duckworth Joins Schumer, Warren, Reed, Colleagues to Call on President Trump to Support Bipartisan Proposal in Annual Defense Bill to Rename All Bases and Other Military Assets Named for the Confederacy and Anyone Who Served in the Confederacy
06/09/2020 Letter to Hon. Christopher Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Hon. John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence - Feinstein, Schumer, Warner to FBI, DNI: Release Information Supporting President's Claims About Protests
06/08/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - In New Letter, Pelosi and Schumer Call on President Trump to Immediately Tear Down New Walls and Reopen Lafayette Square to Public; Dem Leaders Say Trump Admin. has Turned Symbol of Freedom and Openness into Oppressive Space Resembling Militarized Zone
06/08/2020 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the U.S. - Murphy, Schumer To Trump: Require All Federal Officers Engaged In Policing Peaceful Protests To Identify Themselves
06/05/2020 Letter to William Barr, Attorney General, Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense, David Bernhardt, Secretary of the Interior, and Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - Law Enforcement & Military Engaged in Civilian Crowd Control Must Identify Themselves
05/29/2020 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, Attorney General - Reed, Whitehouse, Colleagues Call for Federal Investigation into Racially Discriminatory & Violent Policing At Minneapolis Police Department
05/26/2020 Letter to Dr. Steven Dillingham, Director of the U.S. Census Bureau - Senators to Census Bureau: Count Those Experiencing Homelessness During Pandemic
05/13/2020 Letter to Hon. Erica Dreiband, Department of Justice Civil Rights Division - Rep. Pressley, Senator Booker Lead Congressional Call for Federal Civil Rights Investigation into Ahmaud Arbery Murder
04/21/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - Feinstein, Menendez, Colleagues Call on Trump to Protect AAPI Community
12/18/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Service - Feinstein, Wyden, Murrary, Colleagues Demand HHS Rescind Rule Allowing Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination
11/25/2019 Letter to the Hon. Ben Carson, Secretary of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Menendez, Booker, Colleagues Urge HUD to Reject Proposed Changes to the Fair Housing Act's Disparate Impact Standard
08/14/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Durbin, Duckworth Slam Trump Administration Proposal To Weaken Protections Against Discrimination In Health Care
03/13/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex M. Azar, HHS - Revoke Waiver Allowing South Carolina Child Welfare Agencies to Discriminate
01/24/2019 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education, and Mr. Matthew Whitaker, Acting Attorney General - Menendez, Booker Demand Answers After Trump Admin Ends Civil Rights Guidance for School Discipline
08/18/2017 Letter to Elaine Duke, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - After Charlottesville Attack, Senators Press DHS on Trump Administration's De-emphasis of Domestic Terrorism Efforts
05/24/2017 Letter to President Donald Trump - Immediately Clarify Why Admin is Obstructing Congress' Constitutional Legislative and Oversight Duties
04/27/2017 Letter to the Honorable Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations - Anti-Israel Bias at the UN
03/07/2017 Letter to John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeff Sessions, Attorney General of the United States, James Comey, FBI Director - Address Threats to Jewish Institutions Across the Country

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