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Chuck Schumer's Public Statements on Issue: Legal

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04/27/2022 Tweet - "Today, I had the honor to introduce Nusrat Choudhury to @JudiciaryDems at her confirmation hearing to serve as a federal judge for NY's Eastern District. She's an ACLU Legal Director. And she'd be the 1st Bangladeshi American and 2nd Muslim American to serve as a federal judge!"
03/05/2022 Tweet - "I was honored to join the investiture ceremony for Breon Peace as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York at his alma mater, Clara Barton High School in Brooklyn. He is committed to equal justice under law, and I was so proud to recommend him to @POTUS ."
03/03/2022 Tweet - "Today, @POTUS will sign the bill we passed to eliminate the awful practice of forcing victims of workplace sexual harassment and assault into arbitration. This will make workplaces safer, hold abusive employers accountable, and ensure survivors' right to seek justice in court."
12/01/2021 Tweet - "Abortion is a fundamental right. We're rallying at SCOTUS because they're hearing arguments in a case that's perhaps the greatest threat to Roe v Wade in a generation. The Senate will vote on the Women's Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights."
11/12/2021 Tweet - "And to every other Trump sycophant ignoring or thinking about ignoring a Congressional subpoena: I hope you're paying attention. There will be consequences for your actions."
12/10/2020 Tweet - "Several GOP AGs met with Trump today to discuss their desperate lawsuit aiming to overturn the will of the people Sen. Johnson just announced a hearing on "election irregularities" This is poisoning faith in our democracy The people decided Biden will be the next President"
12/04/2020 Tweet - "A federal court just ordered DHS to start accepting DACA applications again starting on Monday. This is a victory for our dreamers, and we won't stop fighting for them. #HomeIsHere"
10/24/2020 Tweet - "Sen Blumenthal demanded: --Enhanced Background Checks --Paycheck Fairness --Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal --Domestic Violence Survivor Protection --Veterans' Access to Child Care --Securing America's Federal Elections --Congressional Budget Justification Transparency GOP objected"
10/01/2020 Tweet - "I took extraordinary moves to set up a Senate vote to block the Trump administration from continuing to support their lawsuit to rip health care from millions and end pre-existing condition protections. That vote is happening at 1pm. It's time for Senate GOP to vote."
10/01/2020 Tweet - "If the Trump lawsuit is successful: Every single American stands to lose vital healthcare protections. I took extraordinary measures to set up a Senate vote to stop Bill Barr from continuing to support this lawsuit. But the Senate GOP just voted to stand with Trump."
10/01/2020 Tweet - "If the Trump lawsuit is successful: Every single American stands to lose vital healthcare protections. I took extraordinary measures to set up a Senate vote to stop Bill Barr from continuing to support this lawsuit. But the Senate GOP just voted to stand with Trump. WATCH:"
09/23/2020 Tweet - "President Trump is meeting with Republicans Attorneys General today but they're not going to talk about dropping their lawsuit to rip away health care from millions and end protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions? Unreal."
08/06/2020 Tweet - "Senator Mitch McConnell falsely warns of an "epidemic of lawsuits" that hasn't materialized. What will materialize is an epidemic of evictions unless we extend the moratorium AND pass rental assistance. #RentReliefNow"
07/30/2020 Tweet - "Sen. McConnell isn't even in our negotiations with the White House because Senate Republicans don't have a unified position on anything. The main thing we hear is that he'd torpedo relief for Americans unless there's a giant corporate immunity provision attached. Unacceptable."
07/29/2020 Tweet - "Senator Mitch McConnell: Americans on the brink of eviction are not crying out for a sweeping corporate liability shield. We need to focus on the needs of the American people. The Republican COVID proposal is not even a useful starting point."
07/29/2020 Tweet - "So, Senator McConnell: Why'd you keep telling Americans they needed to pause for 98 DAYS while they were suffering? And why are you holding up help for people now to make sure you can give corporations immunity if they expose their workers or customers to COVID?"
07/23/2020 Tweet - "The likely centerpiece of the Republican COVID proposal is not aid for the over 20M unemployed Americans. It's corporate immunity to protect big companies from lawsuits. Once again, Senate Republicans would rather provide relief to big corporations than to workers & families."
07/23/2020 Tweet - "How about instead of shielding corporations from liability, we shield renters from eviction? How about instead of shielding corporations from liability, we shield the unemployed from poverty? Senate Republicans can't even get their act together to provide Americans basic relief"
07/17/2020 Tweet - "Dear Republicans: Instead of giving corporate immunity giveaways to special interests, it's past time for you to stand with essential workers to give them hazard pay and safety protections!"
07/10/2020 Tweet - "The American ideal of equal justice under the law is once again being undermined by a lawless president who regards the Justice Department as his personal plaything. By refusing to hold President Trump accountable, the Republican Party bears responsibility for his lawlessness."
06/22/2020 Tweet - "The DOJ Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility must investigate why President Trump and Attorney General Barr fired U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman and whether he was removed for partisan political purposes, retaliation, or to influence an investigation."
06/21/2020 Tweet - "The Senate Judiciary Committee must hold a hearing to take Geoffrey Berman's testimony. We must know the roles President Trump, Attorney General Barr, and anyone else played in the plot to oust U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman."
06/20/2020 Tweet - "Donald Trump is a liar. Bill Barr is a liar. There's not a single word either man says that we can trust. We must get to the bottom of this."
06/20/2020 Tweet - "Jay Clayton can allow himself to be used in the brazen Trump-Barr scheme to interfere in investigations by the U.S. Attorney for SDNY, or he can stand up to this corruption, withdraw his name from consideration, and save his own reputation from overnight ruin."
06/20/2020 Tweet - "Bill Barr seems panicked and unusually sloppy in his actions. Something very deeply wrong must be going on, and we must get to the bottom of it."

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