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Louise Slaughter's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


Date Title
02/27/2007 Rep. Slaughter Meets with Canadian Premiers on Need for WHTI Reforms
02/21/2007 Letter: To Michael Chertoff, Secretary, US Department of Homeland Security; Henrietta H. Fore, Under Secretary for Management, US Department of State
10/16/2006 Press Release - State Department Proposes New Rule for PASS Card Border Technology
09/29/2006 Waiving Points Of Order Against Conference Report On H.R. 5441, Department Of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007; Providing For Consideration
09/29/2006 Press Release - In Floor Speech, Slaughter Advocates for WHTI Deadline Extension and Passage of Bi-Partisan PACT Act to Correct Bill's Severe Flaws
09/27/2006 Letter to The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert
09/27/2006 Press Release - Slaughter Calls on Hastert to Retain WHTI Extension to Homeland Security Appropriations Bill
09/26/2006 Press Release - Slaughter Sends Letter to USDA Expressing Concern over New Border Rule
08/01/2006 Slaughter Slams the Republican Leadership's Divisive Agenda in Congress
07/27/2006 Letter to The Honorable Jerry Lewis And The Honorable David Obey
05/25/2006 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 5441, Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007
04/05/2006 Slaughter Meets with Canadian Ambassador to Discuss WHTI and Pressing Border Issues
03/16/2006 Barrow: "Don't Cut Immigration Enforcement Funds for State and Local Police"
06/20/2005 Congresswoman Slaughter Joins Canadian Member of Parliament, Rob Nicholson, to Request New Border Access
04/27/2005 Legislation Establishing the Northern Border Coordinator in the Department of Homeland Security
04/22/2005 Rep. Slaughter asks GAO to Conduct a Study on Economic Impact of Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
04/13/2005 Rep. Slaughter to Meet with DHS Officials on Passport Issue Tomorrow
04/06/2005 Slaughter to Bush: Effective Security Checks, Promotion of NEXUS Program the Answer for Northern Border Security
12/07/2004 Conference Report on S. 2845, Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
09/29/2004 Snaring Terrorists, Not Tourists
02/12/2004 Introduction of the Badge and Uniform Security Trustworthiness [BUST] Act