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Louise Slaughter's Public Statements on Issue: Transportation


Date Title
12/07/2017 FAA Releases Beta Test of Online Pilot Records Database
06/06/2016 Corps of Engineers dredging underway at Rochester Harbor
02/03/2016 Higgins, Collins, Slaughter & Reed Press Transportation Committee Leadership to Hold Firm on Flight Safety
11/11/2015 Reps. Slaughter, Hanna Lead Bipartisan, National Effort to Restore Transit Funding in Highway Bill
09/17/2014 Blog: RailComm: Control Anything Anywhere. Monroe County's Hidden Gem
06/13/2014 Rep. Slaughter Statement on Tax Extenders Package
07/10/2013 Western New York Delegation Announces FAA Release of New Rules on Pilot Training
11/10/2011 Statement From Representatives Hochul, Higgins, & Slaughter After NTSB Requests Full Disclosure From Pinnacle Airlines
10/06/2011 Reps. Hochul, Higgins, & Slaughter Demand Answers From Pinnacle & Colgan
09/15/2011 WNY Delegation Demands Answers From Colgan Air, Pinnacle Airlines & Continental Airlines, After Repeated Flight Safety Failures
06/15/2011 Rail Caucus Chairs Say Northeast Corridor Should Stop Being Used as a Political Pawn
04/12/2011 Slaughter Says Agreement to Fund Government Through September is a Bad Deal for New York
03/24/2011 Slaughter Says High-Speed Rail in New York Vital Component to Economic Revitalization
01/25/2011 Slaughter Responds to the State of the Union
12/14/2010 Slaughter Says $34 Million in Western New York Projects Included in Senate Bill
12/09/2010 Slaughter says New York Welcomes High-Speed Rail Money from Ohio and Wisconsin
11/17/2010 An Incredible Opportunity for High Speed Rail in Upstate NY- We Need Your Help!
02/02/2010 Statement By Western New York Lawmakers On NTSB's Flight 3407 Final Report
10/14/2009 Hearing Of The House Committee On Rules - Slaughter Says Airline Safety Bill Will Make Flights "Safer For All Of Us"
06/11/2009 Slaughter Calls For Reforms To Pilot Training At Airline Hearing
06/01/2009 Slaughter Issues Statement On GM
04/16/2009 Slaughter, Key Supporter Of Upstate NY High- Speed Rail Plan, Issues Statement On Obama's High-Speed Rail Speech