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John Boozman's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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Date Title
12/15/2021 Boozman Votes to Strengthen National Defense
11/09/2021 Boozman Touts Successes at Little Rock Air Force Base
01/10/2020 Boozman, Cotton Sponsor Resolution Praising Successful Mission to Eliminate Qasem Soleimani
12/11/2019 Final Defense Bill Includes Provisions Authored by Boozman
10/27/2019 Boozman Statement on Death of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi
07/23/2019 Statement on Confirmation of Mark Esper to Serve as Secretary of Defense
06/27/2019 Senate Approves Defense Bill with Boozman Provisions
06/12/2019 Boozman Statement on U.S.-Poland Joint Defense Declaration
06/14/2018 Senate Approves Boozman Amendment to NDAA to Deter Russian Aggression
03/19/2018 Senate Air Force Caucus Members See Military Readiness in Joint Training Exercise
12/27/2017 USS Little Rock Added to Navy Fleet
09/18/2017 Boozman Supports Passage of National Defense Authorization Act
04/26/2017 Statement on North Korea Briefing
04/07/2017 Boozman Statement on Syrian Airstrikes
02/01/2017 Blog: Completing Appropriations Bills Essential to a Strong Defense
01/20/2017 Senate Confirms Key National Security Cabinet Posts
01/18/2017 National Guard to Provide Fire Protection at Arkansas National Guard's 188th Wing in Fort Smith
12/08/2016 Senate Air Force Caucus Members Discuss Priorities with Senior Members of Air Force
09/21/2016 National Security Must Be Top Priority
07/20/2016 ISIS Has a Strategy While the White House Struggles to Find One
06/20/2016 The President's ISIS Disconnect
06/14/2016 Boozman Calls Passage of Defense Authorization Bill Critical to Our National Security
06/13/2016 Correcting the Obama Administration's National Security Failures
06/10/2016 Preventing Gitmo Detainees From Returning to the Battlefield
02/10/2016 It's Time to Take Decisive Action Against ISIS

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