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Nicholas Lampson's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
01/01/2012 Issue Position: Energy
09/10/2008 Hearing :: 9/10/2008 :: The Foundation for Developing New Energy Technologies: Basic Energy Research in the DOE Office of Science
09/10/2008 Subcommittee Examines the Effectiveness of the DOE's BES Program in Advancing Energy Technologies
09/09/2008 Blue Dogs
07/30/2008 Bi-Partisan Working Group Embraces Lampson Energy Plan
07/24/2008 Lampson Energy Bill Promises Price Relief; Security
07/24/2008 Lampson Proposes Domestic Drilling With a Twist
07/24/2008 Consumer Energy Supply Act of 2008
05/20/2008 Invest in Energy Independence Act of 2008
05/15/2008 Plan For Gas Relief; Energy Research Proposed by Bi-Partisan Coalition
05/13/2008 Press Conference with Reps. Peter Welch (D-VT); Nick Lampson (D-TX); Edward Markey (D-MA); Rahm Emanuel (D-IL); Heath Shuler (D-NC) - H.R. 6022, The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Fill Suspension and Consumer Protection Act
05/13/2008 House Poised to Pass Lampson-Welch-Markey Bill to Lower Fuel Prices
05/13/2008 Strategic Petroleum Reserve Fill Suspension and Consumer Protection Act of 2008
04/15/2008 Panel II of a Hearing of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee of the House Science and Technology Committee - The Department of Energy's Futuregen Project
03/05/2008 A Real Energy Independence Plan
02/29/2008 Houston Poised to Address World's Energy Challenges
12/18/2007 Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
10/22/2007 Industrial Energy Efficiency Research and Development Act of 2007
10/16/2007 Committee Grants Final Passage to Energy Legislation
10/10/2007 Subcommittee Clears Legislation on Energy Storage Technologies, Industrial Energy Efficiency R&D, Ocean Exploration
10/09/2007 Lampson Unveils Middle-Class Tax Relief Plan
09/24/2007 Lampson Introduces Middle-Class Tax Relief Package
09/05/2007 Subcommittee Examines Benefits, Challenges of Coal-to-Liquid Technologies
09/05/2007 Hearing of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee of the House Science and Technology Committee
07/17/2007 Subcommittees Hold First Joint Hearing on Department of Energy's Decision to End Funding for the Savannah River Ecology Lab

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