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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Education

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Date Title
10/15/2022 Tweet - "Two decades of progress in math and reading scores were erased due to Democrat-led school closures. The Republican Commitment to America will make sure every student can succeed and give parents a voice."
10/15/2022 Tweet - "When parents tried to understand what their children were being taught and how their tax dollars were being spent, they weren't just ignored--they were targeted by the Biden Administration. That's why Republicans will pass the Parents Bill of Rights."
10/11/2022 Tweet - "The Republican Commitment to put students first: ✓ Advance the Parents' Bill of Rights ✓ Recover lost learning from school closures ✓ Expand parental choice so more students can receive a better education ✓ Defend fairness by ensuring only women can compete in women's sports"
10/09/2022 Tweet - "Republicans have a plan to catch our kids up from learning lost during the pandemic. We have a plan to ensure fairness in school sports. And we have a plan to put parents back in charge of their kids' education."
08/16/2022 Tweet - "Back-to-school supplies are more expensive than ever. It's yet another consequence of Democrats' failed policies that have driven inflation to record highs for working-class families."
07/13/2022 Tweet - "Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune once said, "Education is the great American adventure, the world's most colossal democratic experiment." Every child should have access to that and every parent should have the freedom to choose the best school for their kids."
04/27/2022 Tweet - "FACT → Debt cannot be "forgiven." It can only be transferred. Someone always has to pay. As Socialist Democrats plot a transfer of student loan debt, here is who wins and who loses:"
02/15/2022 Tweet - "Children deserve normalcy now. They deserve normalcy in the classroom, on the playground, in the lunchroom, on the sports field, and everywhere else. House Republicans will continue to fight for families and students who have had enough of the Democrats' theater and hypocrisy."
02/14/2022 Tweet - "Forcing kids--the least likely to get seriously ill from COVID--to wear masks is disconnected from actual risk. Why do Democrats want America to be the only advanced nation in the world that forces toddlers to wear masks all day?"
02/09/2022 Tweet - "Let's be clear: there is no evidence that wearing cloth masks in schools reduces the spread of COVID. But there is ample evidence that it is harmful: to early readers, to young learners, to deaf and hard of hearing students, and many others."
12/14/2021 Tweet - "Kids are still catching up after losing nearly 2 years of in-person learning. Yet the Superintendent of Equity--one of the highest-paid CA Dept of Ed officials--is moonlighting off California taxpayers while living & working a different job in Philadelphia."
11/19/2021 Tweet - "Make no mistake: nationalized education means less control for parents and more control for Washington politicians who want to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on unionized, universal Pre-K."
11/17/2021 Tweet - "Parents matter. Their involvement is critical to a child's academic success. We will not stand idly by as Democrats try to take power away from parents and give it to politicians. That's why today, Republicans introduced a Parents Bill of Rights."
11/16/2021 Tweet - "In an egregious abuse of power, President Biden's Department of Justice is using FBI criminal and counterterrorism resources to target parents."
10/30/2021 Tweet - "Every parent in America has a right to be involved in their child's education. The Biden Administration owes them an apology for all the senseless harassment, intimidation, and targeting."
10/05/2021 Tweet - "President Biden's latest decision is part of a disturbing trend in the Democrat Party to silence parents. We should encourage family participation in our schools, not baselessly attack opposing views because leftist groups want control over curriculums."
07/19/2021 Tweet - "Our country has learned the hard way that Dem policies make life more difficult: Open borders = security crisis Lockdowns = kids out of school Defunding police = spike in violent crime Paying people to not work = labor shortages Radical environmental policy = energy shortages"
07/08/2021 Tweet - "Critical Race Theory is the governing ideology of the entire Biden Administration. By advocating for it, Democrats continue to fuel hatred and division across the country. America must reject Critical Race Theory for a simple reason: state-sponsored racism is wrong--always."
06/26/2021 Tweet - "Critical Race Theory is wrong. It shouldn't be taught in schools. And it shouldn't be funded by the government."
06/12/2021 Tweet - "Critical race theory doesn't belong in our schools. It doesn't belong in our military. It doesn't belong in the federal government. Our guiding principles should be based on treating every single person with dignity and respect, not on liberal activist propaganda."
06/10/2021 Tweet - "California Democrats (special character) Attack energy jobs in California (special character) Refuse to send kids back to school (special character) Neglect massive increases in homelessness It's time for a change in Sacramento."
05/07/2021 Tweet - "There are still 16.7 million children who are not attending school full time. How many kids were kept from school because the Biden administration allowed the "science" to be manipulated by special interest groups? Republicans demand answers."
05/05/2021 Tweet - "The CDC listened to teachers' unions, not families. Students are still being kept from classrooms, and parents cannot return to work. Republicans are demanding answers into why special interest groups were given undue influence by the Biden White House."
04/23/2021 Tweet - "San Diego Unified School District permitted in-person instruction for migrant children while classrooms remained closed for kids of tax-paying SD families. Clearly there's value in in-person learning, but why aren't all CA kids afforded the same access?"
03/30/2021 Tweet - "This is just wrong. It's been more than a year since millions of American students have stepped foot in a classroom, and now our kids are being put last once again."

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