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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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11/05/2022 Tweet - "🚨 Biden on coal: "We're going to be shutting these plants down all across America, and having wind and solar." We know how this ends. People lose their livelihoods. You pay more for energy. Once again, hardworking families pay the price for the Left's Green New Deal agenda."
11/01/2022 Tweet - "Democrats want America to depend on other countries for our energy needs. Republicans want America to be so energy dominant that other countries depend on US to meet their energy needs."
10/27/2022 Tweet - "Winter is coming. And with it, you can expect to be paying higher prices to heat your home and cook your food. The Democrats' war on American energy has made practically everything more expensive. It's time for a change."
10/26/2022 Tweet - "Not long ago, America was the largest energy producer in the world, and gas was affordable. The Biden Administration then halted energy projects, shut down pipeline construction, and took every step to discourage the production of American energy resources."
10/25/2022 Tweet - "Americans shouldn't have to choose between driving to work and putting food on the table. Republicans have a Commitment to make America energy independent again and reduce gas prices."
10/06/2022 Tweet - "Since day one of his Presidency, Joe Biden sought to make America more dependent on the rest of the world to meet our energy needs. His contempt for American energy workers runs so deep he would sooner have us buy oil from Venezuela than produce clean American energy at home."
09/28/2022 Tweet - "A gallon of gas is once again on the rise, averaging $6 across California. Rather than wage a war on our oil and natural gas producers, Governor Newsom should support all-of-the-above energy policies that lower prices at the pump while increasing cleaner energy production."
09/08/2022 Tweet - "California's threat of rolling blackouts ought to be a warning about how the government force-fed green energy transition is endangering grid reliability."
09/01/2022 Tweet - "First, Democrats banned the sale of gas-powered cars by 2035, forcing Californians to buy unaffordable EVs. Now, they tell us not to charge them after getting home from work to prevent "rotating power outages." We must repeal the gas car ban & embrace all our energy resources!"
07/14/2022 Tweet - "Right now, Joe Biden is in the Middle East to beg Saudi Arabia for oil. Apparently, he would rather lobby foreign princes than listen to American producers and job-creators. Talk about America Last."
07/07/2022 Tweet - "Gas prices are high because the Biden administration has made it harder to produce oil here at home. And now he is sending our emergency reserves to other countries like China. This is reckless and won't solve the problem. We must produce more U.S. energy to lower prices."
07/01/2022 Tweet - "When House Republicans retake the majority next year, here are some of the first things we will vote on: ➡️ Making America energy independent--again ➡️ Making our streets safe--again ➡️ Securing our border--again And we will hold the Biden administration accountable."
05/17/2022 Tweet - "Unbelievable. Socialist Democrats would rather do business with socialist regimes instead of giving good jobs to American workers. While Americans pay the highest gas prices in history, President Biden is doubling down on his America-Last energy policies."
05/13/2022 Tweet - "Record prices at the pump this week. This is what we're paying near my home in California. Americans deserve better than the Socialist Democrats' energy policy failures."
11/27/2021 Tweet - "President Biden's Christmas wishlist: Make Americans pay more for less. Hand out amnesty and $450,000 checks to illegal immigrants. Eliminate clean American energy production to make us more dependent on Russia and OPEC.
11/23/2021 Tweet - "President Biden's decision to tap America's strategic reserves--which will release just 3 days' worth of oil onto the market--is not about a real solution to our energy crisis."
11/07/2021 Tweet - "President Biden wants to destroy America's energy sector while giving Russia a new pipeline and begging OPEC to produce more oil. "
10/17/2021 Tweet - "The Democrats' radical, anti-American energy policies are driving inflation sky-high. How do 42% higher gas prices affect your everyday routine?"
10/15/2021 Tweet - "The Socialist Democrats' massive government spending and war on American energy is having its intended result--prices are surging at the fastest clip in 13 years."
10/14/2021 Tweet - "Dear President Biden: It is total hypocrisy to kneecap American-made energy while simultaneously begging our adversaries like Russia, Iran, and Venezuela to increase their oil production. Your policies are making things much, much worse--for everyone. Signed, @HouseGOP"
10/14/2021 Tweet - "Nancy Pelosi might not notice a near 50% increase in gas prices or a 20% increase that most are paying to heat their homes. But her party's policies--from a natural gas tax to a drilling moratorium--are squeezing most Americans and driving even more supply chain disruptions."
10/13/2021 Tweet - "Today's inflation report should be a wake-up call for the Democrats who control Washington. The price surges and paycheck squeezes will only grow worse under Pelosi's proposed socialist spending scam and Biden's prolonged war on American energy."
10/07/2021 Tweet - "America is in the midst of an energy crisis. The Biden / Pelosi spending plan includes provisions that will make it worse -- including a home heating tax and higher prices at the pump."
08/11/2021 Tweet - "President Biden canceled an American pipeline on Day One. Seven months later, he is now begging OPEC to pump more oil. We could have been more energy independent. We could have developed it cleaner. And with American workers. But Biden would rather put America last."
07/21/2021 Tweet - "President Biden canceled an American pipeline and eliminated good-paying jobs. Now he is letting Vladimir Putin have a pipeline in Europe. Biden can stop the Russian pipeline by fully implementing bipartisan sanctions, but he is choosing to put Russia first and America last."

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