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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Trade

Date Title
06/17/2021 Tweet - "It's no secret a lot of manufacturing takes place in China. It's also no secret that the Chinese Communist Party is engaging in forced labor of Uyghurs. Why are Democrats turning a blind eye to these atrocities?"
06/11/2021 Tweet - "From securing our supply chain to rebuilding our military, preparing America to face the challenges of the future shouldn't be a Republican or a Democrat issue. We must NEVER allow our country to be reliant on our adversaries."
05/12/2021 Tweet - "The Biden admin's decision to give away vaccine IP is short-sighted & wrong. It rewards China while doing little to help nations that don't have the facilities, expertise, or materials. It would be better--and faster--to work on expanding vaccine developers' production capacity."
05/05/2020 Tweet - "As the world confronts the challenges brought on by a pandemic, our relationships with longstanding allies become even more invaluable. Today the US and UK announced they will begin trade negotiations--encouraging news as we both work toward rebuilding our economies."
02/03/2020 Tweet - "#USMCA modernizes the way we trade with our neighbors and will benefit Americans from all walks of life. It is a massive win for the American worker. And through it all, the biggest advocates were President Trump and House Republicans."
01/29/2020 Tweet - "The President is about to sign #USMCA--a HUGE promise made and kept with American workers. The greatest economy in our lifetime is about to heat up even more!"
01/16/2020 Tweet - "BREAKING The Senate just passed #USMCA in a landslide vote. Next stop President Trump's desk. PROMISES MADE. PROMISES KEPT."
12/26/2019 Tweet - "Presidents have been promising to renegotiate our trade deal with Mexico and Canada for 25 years, but only one President was able to accomplish it. America will be stronger because of #USMCA and because of President Trump."
12/19/2019 Tweet - "Republicans understood months ago that #USMCA would deliver a much-deserved win for American workers. And for our farmers. And for consumers. And for generations of Americans from all walks of life. Today is for them."
12/19/2019 Tweet - "More than a year ago, President Trump joined with leaders of Mexico & Canada to sign a transformative trade deal. Despite delay after delay from Speaker Pelosi, Republicans never relented. Now #USMCA is set to pass the House. My final remarks start soon:"
12/10/2019 Tweet - "The US-Mexico-Canada Agreement is a win for the American worker and has been since the day President Trump signed it over a year ago. Dems delayed #USMCA for too long. But finally--after months of relentless advocacy from Republicans--we're one step closer. My full statement"
11/30/2019 Tweet - "A year ago today, President Trump signed #USMCA with Canadian and Mexican leaders. Speaker Pelosi calls it the "easiest trade deal", but a year later this bill--which would benefit hardworking Americans--sits in legislative purgatory. Enough partisan games--let's pass #USMCAnow."
11/06/2019 Tweet - "For months, Speaker Pelosi has been claiming she's on a "path to yes" to bringing #USMCA to the House floor for a vote. Enough is enough. Hardworking Americans deserve an up-or-down vote!"
10/29/2019 Tweet - " The clock is ticking on passing a trade deal that will strengthen our negotiations with China. This Congress--as well as our Mexican and Canadian neighbors--supports #USMCAnow, but Speaker Pelosi is focused on impeachment instead of scheduling #USMCA for a vote."
10/25/2019 Tweet - "China is no longer our top trading partner. Mexico is. And Canada is second. Wouldn't it be nice to have an updated trade agreement with them? We need #USMCAnow."
10/14/2019 Tweet - "A lot has changed since 1994. Our trade deals should too. Rather than drag our country through this politically-motivated sham, let's pass #USMCAnow."
09/19/2019 Tweet - "Last month, Mexico became our top trading partner. Canada is 2nd. China is 3rd. If we had a new trade agreement with our top two, it would make us that much stronger in negotiations with number three. Speaker Pelosi should let us vote on #USMCA."
06/20/2019 Tweet - "Momentum is building for President Trump's trade deal. Productive meeting today with CanadianPM JustinTrudeau. We are in agreement that USMCA is a good deal that should be finalized this summer."
06/20/2019 Tweet - "The Mexican government just ratified USMCA. JustinTrudeau is here today to discuss the deal. U.S. governors just called for its passage. If the House voted today, I know President Trump's trade deal would receive bipartisan support."
06/11/2019 Tweet - "President Trump has proven he can win. Congress should pass his #USMCA trade deal to make us even stronger against China."
06/04/2019 Tweet - "Congress should not delay in working with the administration to approve the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Bottom line #USMCA will help strengthen America."
05/30/2019 Tweet - "Freer, fairer trade in North America will improve the lives of all Americans--including our farmers and manufacturers. Congress should work together with the Trump Administration to approve #USMCA without delay. My full statement on today's notice to Congress"