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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Unemployed and Low-Income

Date Title
07/19/2021 Tweet - "Our country has learned the hard way that Dem policies make life more difficult: Open borders = security crisis Lockdowns = kids out of school Defunding police = spike in violent crime Paying people to not work = labor shortages Radical environmental policy = energy shortages"
07/14/2021 Tweet - "Defunding the police. Spending that spirals us into inflation. Paying people to stay home instead of going back to work. These socialist policies didn't work in Cuba or Venezuela--they won't work in America either."
06/10/2021 Tweet - "California Democrats (special character) Attack energy jobs in California (special character) Refuse to send kids back to school (special character) Neglect massive increases in homelessness It's time for a change in Sacramento."
06/05/2021 Tweet - "(special character) Rewarding people NOT to work (special character) Emboldening our adversaries in Russia and Iran (special character) Eliminating tens of thousands of good-paying energy jobs with the stroke of a pen This is President Biden's record, and it's only been 5 months."
06/04/2021 Tweet - "As we emerge from the virus, our economy should be booming, but today's lackluster jobs report shows President Biden's policies have stalled our recovery. Washington needs to stop paying people NOT to work. Bidenomics is bad for America."
05/21/2021 Tweet - "With some reports suggesting that California has paid out up to $30B in unemployment fraud alone, I am particularly proud to be an original cosponsor of the Combatting COVID Unemployment Fraud Act of 2021 to help rein in gross abuse and safeguard federal taxpayer money."
05/14/2021 Tweet - "Operation Warp Speed paved the way to defeating COVID-19--now is the time to reconnect workers with jobs so temporary job losses do not become permanent ones. Today, I joined my colleagues in a letter urging Governors across America to put America back to work."
01/22/2021 Tweet - "President Biden wants to give 11 million illegal immigrants citizenship--while nearly 11 million Americans are out of work. Shouldn't we prioritize Americans first?"
10/08/2019 Tweet - "Democrats are preoccupied with impeaching the duly elected President of the United States in an effort to undo the 2016 election. Meanwhile...America's economy is booming with the lowest unemployment in 50 years."