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Kevin McCarthy's Public Statements on Issue: Arts, Entertainment, and History

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09/08/2022 Tweet - "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II represented what it means to lead with conviction, selflessness, and faith in God and in her people. She led her people with grace, showing what servant-leadership means in principle and in practice. I join the world in mourning her loss."
07/13/2022 Tweet - "Reagan once said, "some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem." This is especially true of Hershel "Woody" Williams who passed away as the last Marine from World War II to wear the Medal of Honor."
01/27/2022 Tweet - "Today we remember the six million Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust. As Americans, we stand united against anti-Semitism in all its forms. We remain committed to educating future generations about this horrific chapter in world history so that we may #NeverForget."
12/09/2021 Tweet - "Senator Bob Dole served this nation for 79 years as a combat hero, champion for those with disabilities, congressional leader from Kansas, and presidential candidate."
12/07/2021 Tweet - "As we remember Pearl Harbor on the 80th anniversary of the attack, we mourn the 2,403 Americans who were killed, salute the courage of those who fought through the attack, and memorialize every member of the Greatest Generation who fought for our freedoms."
12/06/2021 Tweet - "Devin Nunes is an American patriot and his service in Congress will be remembered by his singular goal of the search for truth. Every step of the way, he was proven right."
12/05/2021 Tweet - "Senator Bob Dole dedicated himself to the American experiment and its deepest ideals. Today, we should reflect on service to one another and commit to following the example he set for America. Judy and I join the nation in mourning the passing of an extraordinary American life."
11/22/2021 Tweet - "The Democrats' big government socialism means: An open border and record levels of illegal immigration. A government that views concerned parents as enemies. The most expensive Thanksgiving in American history.
11/04/2021 Tweet - "To all who celebrate--happy Diwali! Wishing you health, peace, and prosperity."
10/18/2021 Tweet - "Colin Powell leaves behind a distinguished legacy of service. He will be remembered as a man dedicated to country who broke barriers and led an impressive decades-long career serving our nation. We pray for the Powell family as they mourn his loss."
10/07/2021 Tweet - "Never bet against the Dodgers. Retweet if you believe they will go all the way! #RepeatLA"
09/29/2021 Tweet - "Republicans win the #CongressionalBaseballGame for charity!"
09/11/2021 Tweet - "20 years ago, our nation changed forever. We witnessed true evil, but I will never forget how we came together in the days that followed. Make no mistake: The fight to keep our nation safe is never over. As we mourn together, let us also unite together to make America stronger."
09/10/2021 Tweet - "When our country was attacked on 9/11, we fought back. We are forever indebted to the men and women who were inspired to join our military after that day, and we will #NeverForget them or their families. Join me in remembering our fallen heroes."
09/02/2021 Tweet - "The 20th anniversary of 9/11 will be marked by a weaponized Taliban and a revived ISIS. President Biden has emboldened our enemies, abandoned our allies, and made America weaker both at home and abroad."
08/30/2021 Tweet - "I have requested to read the names and hold a moment of silence for the 13 fallen service members when Congress convenes tomorrow morning. I hope Speaker Pelosi recognizes my request and that the People's House will honor these heroes as soon as possible."
07/08/2021 Tweet - "What does the Chinese Communist Party have on the Democrats? It's past time to: (special character) Declassify the info about COVID's origins (special character) End NIH funding for programs in China (special character) Allow Americans to sue the government of China (special character) Relocate the 2022 Olympics away from Beijing"
06/28/2021 Tweet - "We need to hold China accountable for its COVID coverup (special character); 1st: Declassify intelligence so the world knows the truth. 2nd: Allow Americans to sue the Chinese government for damages. 3rd: Relocate the 2022 Olympics away from Beijing."
01/18/2021 Tweet - "He called for America to live up to its promise--and to do so through non-violent action. The example set by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. inspires us today to deepen our common bonds and become a more perfect union. #MLKDay"
12/07/2020 Tweet - "The flags at the U.S. Capitol have been lowered to half-staff in honor of the lives lost at Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941--a date which will live in infamy."
11/11/2020 Tweet - "Veterans carry a hero's burden, and they deserve to be recognized as just that--heroes. Happy #VeteransDay to everyone who has made America a beacon of hope for the world."
10/03/2020 Tweet - "This week marked the 71st anniversary of the People's Republic of China, and the Chinese Communist Party is no closer to allowing freedom than it was 31 years ago in Tiananmen Square. Perhaps Democrats are comfortable bending a knee to China, but Republicans will not."
08/18/2020 Tweet - "Nothing demonstrates a more perfect union better than the 19th Amendment--which was ratified on this day 100 years ago--acknowledging women's right to vote. I'm proud to say it was a Republican from California who wrote it!"
07/30/2020 Tweet - "My deepest sympathy and prayers to Herman Cain's family and his loved ones. He led an accomplished life--business titan, cancer survivor, and Republican presidential candidate. He will always be remembered for his love of country."
07/17/2020 Tweet - "John Lewis was an extraordinary man--a patriot in the truest sense. And he was my friend. One of the greatest honors of my life was to join him for multiple trips to Selma to march across the bridge. His life and legacy as a congressman and civil rights icon will endure."

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