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Aaron Schock's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

Date Title
11/10/2014 Rep. Schock Delivers Keynote Speech on 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
10/10/2014 Rep. Schock Delivers Keynote Speech on 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
06/06/2014 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript: Bowe Bergdahl
05/07/2014 CNN - Leading Globally: Why America Cannot Keep the Peace Alone
05/07/2014 CNN - Leading Globally: Why America Cannot Keep The Peace Alone
04/10/2014 Letter to Howard "Buck" Mckeon, Chairman and Adam Smith, Ranking Member of the U.S. Armed Services Committee - Funding for the Modernization and Recapitalization of the Air National Guard C-130 Fleet
05/20/2013 Letter to Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security - United States-India Homeland Security
05/26/2011 Schock Successful in Banning Funds to Transfer Terrorists to Illinois
05/25/2011 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
07/02/2010 Schock Grateful Anti-Terror Hero Granted Asylum
05/05/2010 Letter to Robert Gates, Secretary of the US Department of Defense - National Day of Prayer
02/25/2010 Providing For Consideration Of H.R. 2701, Intelligence Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2010, Waiving Requirement Of Clause 6(a) Of Rule Xiii With Respect To Consideration Of Certain Resolutions, And Providing For Consideration Of Motions To Suspend The
12/01/2009 Congressman Schock's Statement On President Obama's Afghanistan Plan
10/20/2009 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Negotiations with Iranian Government
06/25/2009 Schock Reiterates His Strong Support for Missile Defense