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Todd Rokita's Public Statements on Issue: National Security


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for Attorney General (IN)

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Date Title
11/16/2018 Letter to the Hon. Richard Shelby, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Hon. Rodney Frelinghuysen, Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, the Hon. Patrick Leahy, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, and the Hon. Nita Lowey, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Appropriations - Thompson and McCaul Lead Bipartisan Letter to Support Grant Funding to Protect Religious Institutions After Tree of Life Attack
05/04/2018 Letter to President Donald Trump - Donnelly, Young, Indiana Delegation Urge President Trump to Grant Disaster Declaration for Indiana Following Severe Storms and Flooding
02/15/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader and the Hon. Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - 63 Members of Congress Urge Senate Action on H.R.1164, the Taylor Force Act
09/28/2017 The Hill - The Wall Must Come First
09/06/2017 Rokita Calls for Responsible Relief Efforts
07/06/2017 Making our Nation Safe and Secure
06/04/2017 Rokita Statement Following Terrorist Attack in Europe
06/02/2017 Rokita Supports Trump's Efforts to Keep Our Nation Safe
05/23/2017 Rep. Rokita Statement about Manchester Terrorist Attack
02/28/2017 Rokita Calls on DHS to Rollback State Election Systems Designation
01/30/2017 Rokita Statement on President Trump's Executive Order Concerning Immigration
06/28/2016 Rep. Rokita Statement on Benghazi Report
02/23/2016 Rokita Statement on President's Reckless Plan to Close Guantanamo Bay
01/19/2016 Rokita Attends Plainfield High School Threat Forum
01/01/2016 Issue Position: Border Control and Immigration
11/24/2015 Rokita Commends Mooresville Schools for Collaborative Efforts to Thwart Bomb Threat
11/19/2015 Rokita Statement on Syrian Refugee Strategy
10/08/2015 Letter to The Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States - Renewed Request for Major Disaster Area Declaration
08/14/2015 Rokita Report - Helping Farmers and Veterans
08/12/2015 Statement On USDA Approval Of Farm Service Agency Request
07/09/2015 Letter to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House Armed Services Committee and Defense Appropriations Subcommittee - Concerns Surrounding the Transfer of Military Property
07/01/2015 WLFI - Pence, Rokita Tour Crop Damage in Jasper & Cass Counties
06/25/2015 Rokita Report - Fighting for Conservative Change
05/21/2015 Rokita Report - Protecting Workers, Nutrition Oversight, & More
03/25/2015 Letter to Kay Granger, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, Nita Lowey, Ranking Member of the Committee on Appropriations - Cut Funding for Additional Iran Negotiations

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