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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

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Date Title
04/17/2024 Baldwin, Casey Successfully Push Biden Administration to Investigate Unfair Chinese Trade Practices in Shipbuilding
04/10/2024 Support Builds for Baldwin’s Push to Investigate Unfair Chinese Trade Practices in Shipbuilding
03/20/2024 Baldwin, Welch Introduce Legislation to Give Relief to Victims of Fraud, Scams, Theft, and Disasters
02/29/2024 Senator Baldwin Successfully Pushes White House to Protect Airplane Passengers with Disabilities
02/01/2024 Baldwin Calls on Senate to Pass Bipartisan Tax Cut for Wisconsin Families and Businesses
12/06/2023 Baldwin, Cassidy Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Support Communities Hurt by Chinese Trade Cheating
10/11/2023 Senator Baldwin Gets Job Done, Successfully Pushes SEC to Crack Down on Predatory Hedge Funds and Better Protect Main Street
10/11/2023 Senator Baldwin Gets Job Done, Successfully Pushes SEC to Crack Down on Predatory Hedge Funds and Better Protect Main Street
09/13/2023 Baldwin Introduces Bill Banning Stock Trading by Members of Congress
07/11/2023 Brown, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Crack Down on Big Corporate Investors that Buy Up Local Homes, Drive Up Housing Prices
06/14/2023 Baldwin, Cassidy Introduce Bill to Stop China from Exploiting Loophole that Undercuts U.S. Manufacturers, Allows Fentanyl in U.S.
06/08/2023 Baldwin, Cotton Lead Bill to Ensure Fair Aluminum Pricing for American Brewers
05/09/2023 Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Seek Answers from Credit Card Issuers on Exorbitant Late Fees
04/19/2023 Baldwin Joins Colleagues in Introducing Bipartisan Legislation to End Corrupt Stock Trading Activities by Members of Congress
02/10/2023 Senator Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act
02/09/2023 Senator Baldwin Presses Southwest Airlines' Executives About Holiday Meltdown
11/09/2021 Letter to Hon. Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury - Pandemic Related Supply Chain Interruptions
07/28/2021 Baldwin Statement on President Biden's Buy American Plan
07/23/2021 Shaheen Leads Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Hold E-Cigarette Companies Accountable for the Youth Vaping Crisis
07/22/2021 Senators Baldwin and Cotton Reintroduce Bill to Ensure Fair Aluminum Pricing for Brewers
07/12/2021 Cantwell, Colleagues Applaud President Biden's Executive Order Directing the Department of Transportation to Enhance Aviation Consumer Protection
07/08/2021 Baldwin, Brown, Murphy Blumenthal, Applaud Federal Trade Commission Ruling to Establish and Enforce 'Made in USA' Label Standards
07/07/2021 Brown, Baldwin, Murphy, Blumenthal Applaud Federal Trade Commission Ruling to Establish, Enforce "Made In USA' Label Standards
05/18/2021 Senator Baldwin, Congresswoman Jayapal Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Reverse Trump Administration Move to Silence Workers in Corporate America
05/12/2021 Senators Baldwin, Manchin, Brown Introduce Tax Reform Legislation to Close Carried Interest Tax Loophole

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