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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements on Issue: Guns


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

Date Title
04/05/2023 Senator Baldwin Supports Commonsense Bills to Keep Communities Safe from Gun Violence and Help Save Lives
06/23/2021 Senator Baldwin Supports Introduction of Expanded Legislation to Protect Domestic Abuse Survivors from Gun Violence
05/25/2021 Senator Baldwin Supports Introduction of Safe Gun Storage Act
03/09/2021 Baldwin Supports "No Check, No Sale" Bill to Close the Charleston Loophole
06/25/2020 Baldwin, Colleagues Introduce "No Check, No Sale" Bill To Close Loophole Allowing Gun Sales Without A Completed Background Check
06/13/2019 Menendez, Markey and Deutch Call for Ban on 3D Printed Guns
01/09/2019 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Background Check Expansion Act to Reduce Gun Violence
03/05/2018 Senator Hatch and Bipartisan Senators Introduce Critical School Safety Legislation
02/27/2018 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Group to Introduce Proposal to Keep Guns From Terrorists
06/22/2016 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin's Proposal to Increase Investment in Preventing and Prosecuting Hate Crimes Included in Amendment Package That Will Also Fully Fund the FBI and Help Keep Guns Out of the Hands of Terrorists
06/22/2016 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Announces Support for Bipartisan Proposal to Keep Guns from Terrorists, Make America Safer
06/15/2016 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls for Renewed Congressional Effort to Close "Terror Gap"
06/14/2016 In Wake of Orlando Shooting, Baldwin Cosponsors Legislation Banning Those Convicted of Hate Crimes From Owning Guns