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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements on Issue: Minors and Children


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

Date Title
06/29/2022 Tweet - "I worked to pass the #KeepKidsFedAct in the Senate and @POTUS has signed our bipartisan legislation into law to provide school meals to Wisconsin kids."
05/16/2022 Tweet - "I have joined 29 of my Senate colleagues in calling on infant formula manufacturers to make every effort possible to get parents and families the formula they need to feed their kids."
04/04/2022 Tweet - "Our bipartisan legislation- the Support Kids Not Red Tape Act- will extend flexibilities that have been a lifeline for schools and families throughout the pandemic. Please contact your Senators and tell them you support passing this legislation to ensure we #KeepKidsFed!"
04/01/2022 Tweet - "We cannot allow millions of children to lose access to school meals, and we must extend flexibilities to the @USDA to make sure no child goes hungry. That's why I joined the introduction of the bipartisan Support Kids Not Red Tape Act. #KeepKidsFed"
03/15/2022 Tweet - "We should make the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes so we can lower child care costs for working families, expand access to high-quality universal preschool, and deliver more support for providers and increase wages child care workers."
12/16/2021 Tweet - "Working families in Wisconsin face rising costs and for many, finding affordable child care has been a major barrier to re-entering the workforce. I'm working to lower costs and make high quality child care more affordable. #BuildBackBetter"
12/16/2021 Tweet - "Finding affordable, quality pre-K was difficult even before the pandemic. To get parents and our economy back to work, our #BuildBackBetter legislation invests in early childhood education and makes child care more affordable."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "The Child Tax Credit I worked to expand lifted children out of poverty and put money in the pockets of families across Wisconsin to support themselves and our economy. Now we need to pass #BuildBackBetter to extend these tax cuts for working families."
04/16/2020 Tweet - "Child care is an essential service for working families across Wisconsin. I voted to pass the #CARESAct, which includes $51.6 million in relief for our state's child care providers through the #CCDBG program."
01/24/2020 Tweet - "The rise of teen vaping is an epidemic, so I've introduced bipartisan legislation supported by @American_Heart and @LungAssociation to increase funding for prevention and awareness about the dangers of e-cigarettes and harmful tobacco products."
12/04/2019 Tweet - "The rise in the use of e-cigarettes among kids is a crisis and now President Trump has retreated. Trump is wrong to put corporate special interests ahead of public health and the health of our children."
11/27/2019 Tweet - "Trump's decision to cave to corporate special interests and reverse course on flavored vaping products puts kids' health at risk. We must listen to health experts and take action to protect children from the dangers of vaping."
11/25/2019 Tweet - "We must make sure that our next FDA Commissioner is not going to bow to pressure from corporate special interests at the cost of public health, but will listen to our health officials and medical experts, and take action to protect children from the dangers of vaping."