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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

Date Title
09/30/2022 Baldwin Supports Introduction of Senate Resolution to Protect and Expand Social Security in the Face of Republican Attacks
12/07/2021 Wisconsin Supports Historic Investment in Home Health Care and the Workers that Provide It
12/03/2021 Tweet - When we #BuildBackBetter, we're saving families almost $5,000 per year, ensuring universal Pre-K is available, expanding child tax credits, and making sure child care is affordable and high quality.'
08/10/2020 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin: Trump Needs to Start Working with Congress to Pass Bipartisan Legislation that Helps Wisconsin with Ongoing and Worsening Public Health and Economic Crisis
08/26/2019 Senator Baldwin's Bipartisan Legislation to Support Veterans Experiencing Bankruptcy Signed Into Law
02/28/2019 Brown, Collins, Baldwin and Murkowski Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Support Police Officers, Teachers
02/13/2019 Brown Joins Colleagues to Introduce Medicare at 50 Legislation
09/27/2018 Young, Donnelly Lead Bipartisan Letter Urging Solution to Retiree Pension Crisis
04/18/2018 Senators Introduce 'Choose Medicare Act' to Make Medicare Available to Everyone
03/09/2018 Investigation Opened into Southside SSA Office Closure
09/21/2016 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement On Investigations Into Madison And Milwaukee Social Security Offices
02/02/2016 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Presses President Obama to Help Bring Down Soaring Cost of Prescription Drugs
01/13/2016 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Calls on Governor Walker to Provide Update on Wisconsinites he Dropped from Badgercare
10/26/2015 236,000 Wisconsinites to Face Massive Medicare Premium Hike Unless Congress Acts
10/19/2015 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Effort to Prevent Spike in Medicare Premiums
09/30/2015 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Legislation to Protect Wisconsin Women's Retirement Security
10/22/2014 If you Lost BadgerCare Plus, Sign up for Special Enrollment Health Care Coverage by November 2
04/01/2014 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Supports Long-Term Solution on Medicare Payments for Doctors, Votes against "Patch"
01/15/2014 Renew Unemployment Insurance
08/01/2011 Statement on House Passage of Bill to Raise the Debt Ceiling
07/01/2011 Statement on the 45th Anniversary of the Implementation of Medicare
06/17/2011 Baldwin Blasts Bill that Takes Food Out of the Mouths of Babes
04/15/2011 Statement on House Passage of Republican Budget
06/03/2010 Statement on Presidential Memorandum Extending Benefits to Same-Sex Domestic Partners of Federal Employees
04/15/2010 Statement On Presidential Memorandum Regarding Hospital Visitation Rights