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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements on Issue: Higher Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

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Date Title
09/22/2023 As Bullying on Campus Remains Widespread--Particularly for LGBTQ+ Students--Murray, Baldwin, Pocan Renew Push to Pass Anti-Harassment Legislation
09/22/2023 On Anniversary of Tyler Clementi's 2010 Death, Baldwin, Murray Pocan Renew Push to Pass Anti-Harassment Legislation
05/04/2023 Baldwin Introduces Bill to Strengthen TRIO Programs That Assist First-Generation, Low-Income Students Seeking a College Education
03/02/2022 Lawson, Hayes, Torres, Warren, Sanders, Padilla, Murphy, Colleagues Urge Usda to Issue Clearer Guidance That Informs Students of Their SNAP Benefits
02/10/2022 Langevin Joins Congressional CTE Caucus Co-Chairs in Leading Resolutions Celebrating CTE Month
07/01/2021 Sens. Cruz, Peters, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Expand Eligibility for State Maritime Academies Student Incentive Payment Program
05/03/2021 Senators Baldwin and Young Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Ensure American Students Remain Globally Competitive
04/27/2021 Rep. Levin, House Chairman Scott, Sen. Baldwin, Sen. Chair Murray, Reintroduce Legislation to Provide Two Free Years of Community College
04/22/2021 Senator Baldwin Supports Legislation to End Student Loan Debt Crisis
03/24/2021 Senator Baldwin Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Strengthen TRIO Programs That Assist First-generation, Low-income Students Seeking a College Education
03/23/2021 Collins, Tester, Capito, Baldwin Introduce Bill to Strengthen TRIO Programs That Assist First-Generation, Low-Income Students Seeking a College Education
03/04/2021 Senate Passes Baldwin Resolution Recognizing February as Career and Technical Education Month
03/03/2021 Portman, Kaine, Young, Baldwin Applaud Senate Passage of Resolution Recognizing February as Career and Technical Education Month
10/02/2019 HELP Committee Chairman Alexander Sponsors Cassidy's College Transparency Act
05/16/2019 Menendez Joins Colleagues in Introducing Bill Aimed to Reduce Bullying and Harassment at Colleges Across the Country
02/08/2019 U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin and Todd Young Reintroduce Legislation to Ensure American Students Remain Globally Competitive
10/11/2018 Merkley, Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Ensure Affordable Student Loans for Every Borrower
10/11/2018 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Legislation to Ensure Affordable Student Loans for Every Borrower
09/20/2018 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Delivers on Education Investments
06/26/2018 US Senator Tammy Baldwin Moves Bipartisan Career and Technical Education Legislation Forward
04/24/2018 Portman, Kaine, Baldwin, Capito Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Expand Teacher Training to Prepare Students for Technical Jobs
03/22/2018 Pocan Leads House Democrats in Introducing Debt-Free College Act
03/22/2018 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins 32 Colleagues to Introduce Legislation that Takes on Student Debt Crisis
03/01/2018 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Make Community and Technical School More Affordable
09/28/2017 Senator Baldwin's Bipartisan Effort To Save Perkins Loans College Affordability Program Obstructed In Senate

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