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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

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Date Title
04/23/2024 Senator Baldwin Votes to Protect Americans, Support Allies, and Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Civilians
04/20/2024 Senator Baldwin’s Statement on FISA Reauthorization Bill
04/17/2024 Senator Baldwin Statement on Vote to Dismiss Impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
02/13/2024 Baldwin Votes to Support Our Allies, Deliver Humanitarian Aid, and Disrupt Flow of Fentanyl
02/07/2024 Baldwin Votes for Border Security Compromise
02/05/2024 Baldwin Supports Bipartisan Border and Immigration Compromise
01/22/2024 Senator Baldwin Marks 51st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade; Leading Fight to Restore Reproductive Rights
01/18/2024 Senator Baldwin Statement on Vote to Keep Government Open for Wisconsin Families, Servicemembers, and Businesses
01/09/2024 Baldwin, Van Orden Lead Wisconsin Delegation in Introducing Bill to Rename Tomah VA after Wisconsin Veteran Jason Simcakoski
12/21/2023 Senator Baldwin Statement on the Ongoing Israel-Hamas War
12/20/2023 Baldwin Announces Milwaukee Selected as Finalist in New Economic Development Program; Opens Door to Up to $50 Million Investment
12/07/2023 Baldwin Delivers Upgraded National Park Service Designation, Additional Funding Opportunities to Ice Age Trail
12/06/2023 Senator Baldwin Statement on Emergency National Security Funding; Calls for Border Deal
09/14/2023 Senator Baldwin Releases Statement on Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Resuming Abortion Services
04/21/2023 Senator Baldwin Statement on SCOTUS Mifepristone Ruling
03/29/2023 Baldwin Applauds Approval of First Opioid Overdose Reversal Drug Available Over-the-Counter
03/27/2023 Murray, Shaheen, 36 Colleagues Write to Pentagon Underscoring National Security Imperative to Provide Abortion Leave for Service Members
02/17/2023 Baldwin Legislation to Help Veterans Access Earned Benefits Advances in the Senate
02/17/2023 Senator Baldwin Highlights Federal Funding to Address Food Insecurity and PFAS in Western Wisconsin
02/16/2023 Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Resolution Establishing "National FFA Week'
02/16/2023 Baldwin, Kaine, Young Applaud Passage of Bipartisan Resolution Recognizing February as Career and Technical Education Month
02/15/2023 Baldwin and Colleagues Introduce Resolution Opposing National Sales Tax
02/15/2023 Senator Baldwin Works to Hold Big Oil Accountable for Price Gouging Consumers and Give Families Relief
02/15/2023 Senator Baldwin Named Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies
02/14/2023 Senator Baldwin Brings Home Over $25 Million to Address PFAS in Wisconsin Drinking Water

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