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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

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Date Title
12/13/2021 Tweet - "Wisconsin's economy is bouncing back and moving forward. But there is more we can do to break down barriers for workers and create good paying jobs that respect and reward hard work."
12/13/2021 Tweet - "81% of working mothers in Wisconsin have jobs that offer no childcare support. If we want to #BuildBackBetter, we have to lower child care costs and make it more affordable, enabling more families to work and succeed in our economy."
12/13/2021 Tweet - "Not one Wisconsin Republican in Congress voted for this investment in Wisconsin. I did because it will help local communities replace dangerous lead pipes, address toxic PFAS chemicals, and provide safe and clean drinking water across our state."
12/13/2021 Tweet - "More than a million children in Wisconsin have benefited from the monthly Child Tax Credit -- from groceries, day care, to other living costs. I'm working to extend this tax cut into next year for families and put more money in their pockets to support themselves and our economy."
12/13/2021 Tweet - "Happy birthday @USNationalGuard ! Thank you for your service. From taking on greater roles in pandemic and disaster response to back-to-back deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan -- the citizen soldiers of the National Guard have continuously answered the call to serve."
12/13/2021 Tweet - "Folks, this is your reminder to get vaccinated and get boosted. It is more important than ever to stick to the public health measures we know work: get tested if you're sick, get vaccinated if you haven't been vaccinated, and get a booster now. #YouStopTheSpread"
12/12/2021 Tweet - "I've worked to close the Medicaid coverage gap for the 91,000 Wisconsinites who have been locked out of BadgerCare by Wisconsin Republicans. When we #BuildBackBetter, we open the door to quality healthcare coverage for those who have been shut out."
12/11/2021 Tweet - "Passing our Build Back Better budget means the parents of over 250,000 kids in Wisconsin have access to more quality, affordable child care. Families need relief and I'm ready to deliver that for them."
12/11/2021 Tweet - "For many working families, and mothers in particular, finding affordable childcare is a major barrier to re-entering the workforce. Our Build Back Better Budget will invest in Pre-K, make child care more affordable, and increase wages to fairly compensate child care workers."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "National Influenza Vaccination Week is here! If you haven't gotten your flu shot yet, there's still time. Protect yourself and your loved ones this holiday season. Together, we can all #FightFlu."
12/10/2021 Tweet - ". @GovEvers is right -- the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19 is to get vaccinated. Go to and find your next booster or vaccine appointment. #YouStopTheSpread"
12/10/2021 Tweet - "I'm proud to support the Protecting Community Television Act to invest in high-quality community broadcasting and ensure folks in Wisconsin and across the country can access the relevant and timely news they rely on."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. This #HumanRightsDay, let us recommit to bringing our nation and our world forward towards a future of freedom, peace, and justice."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "The Child Tax Credit I worked to expand lifted children out of poverty and put money in the pockets of families across Wisconsin to support themselves and our economy. Now we need to pass #BuildBackBetter to extend these tax cuts for working families."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "Please support our #MadeInWI small businesses and entrepreneurs this holiday season. Visit to find a Wisconsin business near you for all your holiday needs! #ShopSmallWI"
12/10/2021 Tweet - "I was proud to work across party lines on Buy America reforms so that as we rebuild our infrastructure, we support American workers, manufacturers and businesses. This new law will support our #MadeInWI manufacturing economy as we put people to work and move our economy forward."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "How does our Build Back Better legislation help our farmers? provides credit and debt relief fights climate change w/ smart agriculture practices expands rural broadband cuts taxes and lowers costs"
12/09/2021 Tweet - "I've worked to make sure Build Back Better closes the Medicaid coverage gap for 4 million Americans. Now we need to pass it to open the door to quality health care coverage for those who have been locked out by Republicans in non-expansion states."
12/09/2021 Tweet - "We're making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share of taxes so we can make an investment to #BuildBackBetter and expand access to quality home based care for millions of older adults and people with disabilities."
12/09/2021 Tweet - "Democrats are the only ones with a plan to address rising costs and we do it by strengthening our supply chain and lowering costs for families. The Republican plan for inflation is to oppose doing anything about it."
12/09/2021 Tweet - "If only mouthwash could wash away the disinformation coming from the mouths of politicians about #COVID19 and vaccinations, we could actually save more lives and we wouldn't have our hospitals filled up with unvaccinated people infected with the virus. #GetVaccinatedNow"
12/09/2021 Tweet - "It's simple. When we Build Back Better, we lower the costs of prescription drugs to make it more affordable than ever."
12/09/2021 Tweet - "Instagram has not only failed to take action on accounts that promote eating disorders, but also have actively promoted them. This needs to change to keep our kids safe online."
12/09/2021 Tweet - "Our Build Back Better Budget makes the wealthiest people and largest corporations pay their fair share of taxes so we can invest in an economy that starts working for working families, seniors and our future."
12/08/2021 Tweet - "The bipartisan infrastructure law signed by President Biden will expand access to affordable and reliable broadband for Wisconsin families, students, and small businesses -- no matter where they live."

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