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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

Date Title
07/13/2021 Wisconsin State Journal - Baldwin Calls for Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework
07/07/2021 Health Affairs - The Supreme Court Protected The ACA. Now, Let's Protect Americans From Junk Insurance Plans
03/03/2021 CNN - The Veterans Who Need Congress to Act in 2021
12/27/2019 The Hill - Stock buybacks point AT&T in the wrong direction
09/15/2018 Milwaukee Courier - Tammy Baldwin: What this Election Means for Wisconsinites' Health Care
05/17/2017 Techcrunch - An Open Letter to Everyone Who Uses the Internet
03/29/2016 Wausau Daily Herald - Column: Brokaw Act stands up to Wall Street raiders
03/21/2016 La Crosse Tribune - Column: Let's Reward Hard Work, Not Wealth
09/01/2015 Minneapolis Star Tribune - Al Franken, Tammy Baldwin: Avoiding an Oil Train Explosion Shouldn't be a Matter of Luck
01/25/2015 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin: "We can do better for Wisconsin Veterans"
05/16/2014 Woman's Health - Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
01/30/2014 Chippewa Valley Business Report - Inside the Beltway: Building a 'Made in Wisconsin' Manufacturing Economy
10/30/2013 The Hill - Time Has Come to Address the Challenges of Long-Term Care
10/17/2012 The Cap Times - I'll Stand Up for the Wisconsin I Know
10/03/2012 Capitol Times - Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts, Make Rich Pay More
06/22/2012 Huffington Post - Building a 'Made in Wisconsin' Economy
06/18/2012 Journal Sentinel - Balancing environment, business
02/08/2010 Op-Ed: Cracking Down On Credit Card Companies
06/23/2008 Column: Challenging Times Bring Out the Best in Wisconsinites
04/28/2008 The Will of the People, the Future of the Planet