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Charles Boustany, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

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Date Title
10/11/2016 Boustany Earns National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors Endorsement
06/22/2016 Boustany, Roskam Fight Terror with New Tax Legislation Targeting Iran
06/22/2016 Roskam, Boustany Fight Terror with New Tax Legislation Targeting Boeing Iran Deal
06/14/2016 Boustany Continues Fight against IRS Overreach
03/23/2016 Boustany Calls on IRS to End Wasteful Improper Payments
01/29/2016 Boustany Leads Louisiana Delegation Letter Defending American Offshore Construction Companies
12/17/2015 Boustany Secures Tax Certainty for Small Businesses
11/18/2015 Boustany Selected to Lead Ways & Means Tax Policy Subcommittee
04/22/2015 Boustany's Health Insurance Tax Repeal Reaches Majority Support in House
04/16/2015 Boustany Votes to Repeal Onerous Death Tax
04/15/2015 Boustany Supports IRS Accountability on Tax Day
02/25/2015 Boustany Votes to Make College More Affordable
02/18/2015 Boustany Says ObamaCare Delay Not Permanent Solution
02/13/2015 Boustany Supports Certainty for Louisiana Small Businesses
02/12/2015 Boustany: Stop the HIT
02/06/2015 n Response to IG Report, Subcommittee Chairs Call on SSA to Work with the IRS to Stop EITC Fraud
12/03/2014 Boustany Votes to Prevent Tax Increases
09/17/2014 House Passes Three Boustany Bills Limiting IRS Power
09/17/2014 House Passes Bills Limiting IRS Power
07/22/2014 Boustany Reacts to Court Decision Declaring ObamaCare Subsidies Illegal
07/15/2014 Boustany Demands Truth at the IRS
06/17/2014 EXPOSED: IRS Kept Secret for Months, More Than Just Lerner Emails Lost
06/16/2014 Ways and Means Action on "Lost" Lerner Emails
06/13/2014 IRS Claims to Have Lost Over 2 Years of Lerner Emails
05/02/2014 House Republicans Introduce Resolution Calling on Holder to Appoint Special Counsel in IRS Investigation

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