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Hilda Solis' Public Statements on Issue: Environment

Date Title
08/04/2011 Obama Administration Advances Efforts to Protect Health of U.S. Communities Overburdened by Pollution
12/16/2010 Obama Administration Convenes Environmental Leaders at Historic White House Environmental Justice Forum Featuring Five Cabinet Secretaries
12/15/2010 Remarks As Prepared for Delivery for Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis at White House Forum on Environmental Justice
10/19/2009 Vice President Biden Unveils Report Focused On Expanding Green Jobs And Energy Savings For Middle Class Families
10/03/2008 Dingell, Solis on Proposed EPA Perchlorate Ruling
09/16/2008 Solis Joins Lawmakers in Pushing Measure to Ban Asbestos in All Products
05/20/2008 Lautenberg, Solis, Waxman Introduce Legislation To Protect Americans From Hazardous Chemicals In Consumer Products
05/20/2008 Introduce Legislation to Protect Americans From Hazardous Chemicals In Consumer Products
11/08/2007 Subcommittee Approves Solis Bill to Ensure Safe Drinking Water
10/24/2007 Solis: California Fires Linked to Climate Change
10/04/2007 Solis Calls For Protection of Environmental Justice Communities, Enactment of H.R. 1103 and H.R. 1055
09/06/2007 Solis Questions Role of Coal in Energy Portfolio, Impact of Carbon Capture and Sequestration on Environmental Justice Communities
08/15/2007 Solis Hosts Los Angeles Global Warming Forum; Leaders Discuss Local Challenges Presented by Climate Change and the Promise of Green Collar Jobs
08/09/2007 Solis Testifies on Port Pollution
06/01/2007 Rep. Solis Speaks At First Annual Baldwin Park High School Environmental Awareness/Career Day
04/04/2007 Solis and National Latino, Religious, and Environmental Leaders Urge Congress to Pass Bill Honoring Cesar Chavez and Public Lands
03/08/2007 Solis: EPA's Budget Ignores Core Public Health and Environment Needs - Time to Invest in Our Communities, Not Polluters
12/02/2004 Reps. Solis and DeGette Urge EPA to Take Stronger Actions to Safeguard Public from Dangers Posed by PBDEs