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John Thune's Public Statements

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Date Title
04/05/2022 Tweet - "The president's latest response to skyrocketing gas prices is releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is there for emergencies -- not giving cover for his flailing energy strategy. To lower gas prices, Biden needs to reverse his assault on American energy."
04/01/2022 Tweet - "Proud to announce my #SDPorts initiative has passed the Senate. By 2050, Sioux Falls, Rapid City, & Pierre will each be home to a new, man-made seaport connected to the Pacific by a canal through Wyoming, Idaho, & Oregon. This will help SD goods get shipped worldwide."
03/30/2022 Tweet - "In their own words: The Biden administration knows that repealing Title 42 without fully considering the consequences will make the border crisis worse."
03/30/2022 Tweet - "Restoring year-round E15 would provide American drivers with a cleaner, lower-cost fuel option. @SenatorDurbin and I led this bipartisan request several weeks ago."
03/29/2022 Tweet - "I will oppose Judge Jackson's nomination to the Supreme Court."
03/29/2022 Tweet - "Sat down with folks from @SDRuralWater this afternoon. I appreciate everything they do to ensure South Dakotans have access to a clean, reliable water supply."
03/29/2022 Tweet - "The top issue on the minds of Americans right now is their cost of living, yet the president's budget prioritizes the largest tax hike in history in dollar terms."
03/29/2022 Tweet - "Met with Rabbi @MAlperowitz , director of the @Chabad Jewish Center of South Dakota, today. We had a good discussion about America's role as a global leader for peace and freedom, and we shared lessons of faith, resiliency, and community in challenging times."
03/28/2022 Tweet - "When Democrats control the federal government, they consistently do three things: grow government, spend more money, and raise taxes. President Biden's budget would do all three."
03/25/2022 Tweet - "The next farm bill is coming soon, & as always, it will be a top priority for me. I sat down with ag industry experts today in Sioux Falls to hear their priorities for #FarmBill2023. Input from SD ag is my #1 guide as we work on this bill. Thank you to everyone who participated!"
03/22/2022 Tweet - "If reports are accurate, the WH considered having the IRS mail people gas cards -- yet another round of stimulus. Dumping money into the economy like that is exactly what got us into this inflation crisis in the first place. We need real solutions. ‼American-made energy‼"
03/22/2022 Tweet - "Biden needs to: - end his assault on American oil & gas production - leverage biofuels & allow the sale of E15 year-round - invest in all-the-above energy technologies that are available NOW - expand his focus beyond EVs"
03/22/2022 Tweet - "South Dakota producers are some of the hardest working people I know. For them farming & ranching isn't just an occupation, it's a way of life -- something that we are extremely proud of in South Dakota. Thank you to all the American farmers & ranchers who feed the world. #AgDay22"
03/22/2022 Tweet - "My bill to ease shipping backlogs & level the playing field for American farmers, ranchers, & consumers is one step closer to becoming law. The Ocean Shipping Reform Act, a bill I worked on w/ @SenAmyKlobuchar , just passed @SenateCommerce with bipartisan approval."
03/16/2022 Tweet - "One more time for the people at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Energy security is national security."
03/16/2022 Tweet - "America shouldn't be giving a single penny to Russia to fund Putin's unjustified war against Ukraine. Sanctions must be devastating to Putin's cash flow to help end his aggression."
03/16/2022 Tweet - "Had a good meeting with the South Dakota sheep growers this afternoon. They told me an interesting fact: The U.S. military is the biggest consumer of American wool -- using around 20% of the U.S. wool clip to make uniforms for our troops."
03/16/2022 Tweet - "America stands with the Ukrainian people who are bravely fighting for their homeland against an enemy whose evil knows no bounds. Where Putin shows evil and desperation, President Zelenskyy shows strength."
03/15/2022 Tweet - "Joined @SenatorRounds & @RepDustyJohnson in pushing back against @DeptVetAffairs 's recent recommendations to close/downsize several VA health care facilities in SD, which would reduce access to health care & impose serious hardships on rural and tribal veterans. Full letter 🔽"
03/15/2022 Tweet - ". @PressSec says #E15 is "in the menu of options" 🚩🚩🚩 In the menu of options? Allowing year-round #E15 is an immediate step Biden can (and should) take to help lower gas prices for Americans. Rs and Ds agree & have urged the WH to do so. What's the hold-up?"
03/15/2022 Tweet - "Spoke to South Dakota school administrators and students this afternoon about the federal Impact Aid Program and other issues important to South Dakota schools."
03/15/2022 Tweet - "It's time to end mask mandates -- on planes, in airports, & on school playgrounds. Glad to support @SenRandPaul 's effort to begin rolling back some of these federal mandates, but there's more that needs to be done, including rescinding the admin's illogical toddler mask mandate."
03/14/2022 Tweet - "Senate Republicans are clear: We will reject any weak deal with Iran that doesn't stop its nuclear/ballistic missile programs or its support for terrorism. Iran's weekend missile attack in Iraq should be a wake-up call to the Biden admin."
03/11/2022 Tweet - "The bottom line: We need to get our supply chain moving again, & South Dakota exporters need to be able to get their goods to market in a timely manner for a fair price."
03/10/2022 Tweet - "Exactly. Rising energy prices affect every American, regardless of party. Rs & Ds agree: Ethanol can help. @SenatorDurbin and I led our colleagues in calling on Biden to make use of this bipartisan energy solution to lower gas prices and leverage American agriculture."

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