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John Thune's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

Date Title
12/02/2022 Thune Statement on Proposed RFS Blending Targets
10/05/2022 Tweet - ". @POTUS has depleted the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to its lowest levels since 1984. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is meant for emergencies, not to provide political cover because the president's energy policies have undermined our domestic supply and raised prices."
10/05/2022 Tweet - "The Biden admin going hat in hand to Saudi Arabia & other oil-producing countries is the price for its ongoing assault against American-made energy. In just a few short years, America went from energy independence to this. It's time to reverse course."
06/23/2022 Tweet - "A gas tax holiday is a flimsy, Band-Aid fix that will worsen the problem in the long run. Once again, Democrats are failing economics 101. The issue is low supply and high demand. We need to be lowering energy costs w/ an "all-the-above" approach that unleashes American energy."
03/30/2022 Tweet - "Restoring year-round E15 would provide American drivers with a cleaner, lower-cost fuel option. @SenatorDurbin and I led this bipartisan request several weeks ago."
03/10/2022 Tweet - "Exactly. Rising energy prices affect every American, regardless of party. Rs & Ds agree: Ethanol can help. @SenatorDurbin and I led our colleagues in calling on Biden to make use of this bipartisan energy solution to lower gas prices and leverage American agriculture."
03/09/2022 Tweet - "President Biden should take every step possible to curb rising domestic energy costs and displace banned Russian oil imports. A no-cost, immediate step he can take: Permitting the sale of E15 fuel this summer. A win/win to help lower gas prices & support American ag."
03/09/2022 Tweet - ". @POTUS Biden is AWOL when it comes to prioritizing clean energy solutions like biofuels. We're in an energy crisis. Gas prices are skyrocketing. An American-grown solution should be on the table. American farmers and consumers are waiting."
03/03/2022 Tweet - "We need pipelines, not pipe dreams. Affordable electric vehicles are years away from being widely available enough to reduce dependence on liquid fuel. President Biden, bring back American energy dominance."
03/03/2021 Tweet - "Pres. Biden canceled #KeystoneXL on day 1, but seems fine with Russia's #NordStream2 pipeline. Congress & the law are clear on sanctions authority--it's time to act. Nord Stream 2 will make Europe more vulnerable to Russia's influence & will be an economic blow to Ukraine."
02/26/2021 Tweet - "Encouraging to see other countries increase use of biofuels to lower emissions, now with the UK adopting E10 this fall, up from E5. Ethanol exports from Flag of United States to Flag of United Kingdom will further strengthen our special relationship."
02/22/2021 Tweet - "Great news for biofuels. Small refinery exemptions have undermined the RFS and this critical market for our farmers. This is top of the list for getting biofuels back on track."
02/01/2021 Tweet - "These are the real people, out by my hometown of Murdo, who are behind the jobs gutted by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline. Americans out of work with one swipe of President Biden's pen -- on his first day in office."
01/21/2021 Tweet - "Revoking permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline undercuts a serious infrastructure project, renewable energy growth, and rail relief for grain. This admin can't ask for unity & bipartisanship one minute but continue to push bad left-wing policy the next."
01/21/2021 Tweet - "Disappointing to see the new admin jump at the first opportunity to eliminate a project that provides high-paying jobs to 11,000 Americans & bolsters energy security. Blocking the Keystone XL pipeline -- after years of work already put in-- is a bad decision. SD delegation letter(Special Character)"
12/14/2020 Tweet - "First, ethanol helped meet the skyrocketing demand for hand sanitizer. Now, it can provide much-needed dry ice for safely shipping the COVID-19 vaccine. With the drop in fuel demand, though, plants are still struggling--limiting this CO2 byproduct."
10/04/2019 Tweet - "Today's announcement from the administration to restore integrity to the Renewable Fuel Standard is good news for farm country and builds off our E15 win. Read my full statement here:"
08/12/2019 Tweet - "Frustrating decision by @EPA. It's tough times in farm country, and while the admin delivered a big win with year-round E15, these additional waivers undercut the commitments made to our ag producers and the hundreds of thousands of employees who support the industry."
06/25/2019 Tweet - "Peer-reviewed science has affirmed that #ethanol lowers greenhouse gas emissions between 39-43% better than gasoline. I joined a #bipartisan group of senators in sending a letter to @EPA urging its leaders to update their environmental analysis on ethanol."
06/12/2019 Tweet - "I'm thankful President Trump made good on his commitment to our farmers to get the E15 rule done, and I'm glad he got back to the heartland to hear firsthand about the difference this will make in farm country."
05/31/2019 Tweet - "Today's announcement from @EPA that year-round sales of #E15 have gone into effect is a huge win for South Dakota farmers for which I've advocated for more than a decade. More"
07/23/2018 Tweet - "Year-round E15 sales would not only help lower gas prices, but it's a common-sense win for consumer choice and would strengthen our home-grown energy dominance to counter OPEC and help American farmers during uncertain times. #RFS"