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Denny Rehberg's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens

Date Title
07/24/2012 Rehberg: Obama Health Care Now Even More Expensive for Montana Families
03/29/2012 Rehberg Splits With Party to Stand With Montana Seniors Against Ryan Budget
12/14/2011 Rehberg, House Pass Job-Creating Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act
10/18/2011 Berg, Rehberg Fight to Protect Frontier States Provision
09/09/2011 Letter to Commissioner Shulman
07/19/2011 Rehberg Votes to Cut, Cap and Balance
04/14/2011 Correcting the Enrollment of H.R. 1473
04/06/2011 Rehberg Opinion: The Time For Words Is Over; Now is the Time for Action
05/20/2010 Rehberg Sponsors No Social Security for Illegal Aliens Act
03/04/2010 Rehberg Chairs Committee Hearing On Medicare Fraud And Abuse Prevention
09/19/2008 Rehberg, House Vote to Create "Silver Alert" System Modeled After the Amber Alert
07/15/2008 Rehberg Statement on House Vote to Override the President's Veto of Medicare Bill
03/05/2008 Rehberg Calls Proposed Medicare Budget Cuts "the Wrong Approach" to Improving Healthcare System
07/11/2007 Rehberg Secures Funding for Billings Community Projects
06/26/2007 Rehberg Sponsors Legislation to Protect Montana's Independent Pharmacies
09/20/2006 Press Release - Rehberg Sponsors Bill to Strengthen Rural Healthcare
09/05/2006 Rehberg Sponsors Legislation to Waive Late Enrollment Fee for Medicare Part D
06/22/2006 Rehberg, House Bolster Meals on Wheels, Healthcare for Seniors
04/18/2006 Rehberg Urges Congress to Support Funding for Community Service Block Grants
Issue Position: Retirement Issues