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Roy Blunt's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

Date Title
06/24/2021 Klobuchar, Blunt, Colleagues Introduce Legislation To Provide U.S. Capitol Police Chief With Unilateral Authority To Request Emergency Assistance From National Guard
06/15/2021 Klobuchar, Blunt Introduce Legislation To Award Congressional Gold Medals To Law Enforcement Officers Who Defended Capitol On January 6th
02/13/2019 Senators Blunt, Lankford Resolution to Reduce Needless Delays for Senate-Confirmed Nominees Passes Rules Committee
02/06/2019 Chairman Blunt, Senator Lankford Introduce Resolution to Reduce Needless Delays for Senate-Confirmed Nominees
04/25/2018 Blunt Applauds Rules Committee Passage of Resolution to Improve the Confirmation Process
05/26/2017 Blunt, McCaskill Commend Senate Passage of Measure Honoring Ill & Injured Service Members
05/03/2017 Blunt, Durbin Launch Senate Friends of Australia Caucus
03/31/2017 Tillis, King Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To Improve H-2B Visa Program And Assist Small Businesses
02/16/2017 Kaine, Warner, Booker & Blunt Reintroduce Commission To Recognize 400 Years Of African American History
02/02/2017 Grassley Resolution Would Reverse Obama-Era Regulation Limiting Second Amendment Rights of Social Security Beneficiaries
09/28/2016 Senators Introduce Legislation to Cut Off Funding for Palestinian Terror Attacks
09/20/2016 Senators Introduce Legislation Aimed at Bolstering Support for Israel, Countering Iranian Threat
11/13/2014 Senate Republican Conference Elects Leadership for 114th Congress
09/10/2014 Senator Blunt On Senate Show-Votes: This Is Exactly What People Are Tired Of, People In Washington Not Doing Their Job
08/06/2013 Enzi, Barrasso Defend Legislative Prayer
02/07/2013 Senators Blunt, Harkin Launch Bipartisan Senate Mississippi River Caucus
01/20/2013 Blunt OK with Losing Salary if No Budget
06/04/2012 Mitt Romney Announces Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Lead House Team
09/24/2008 Blunt Calls for Rep. Rangel to Step Down as Chairman During Ethics Investigation
10/10/2007 Blunt Returns to Foreign Affairs Committee