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Roy Blunt's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
03/20/2020 Klobuchar, Smith Help Make Bipartisan Push Urging President Trump to Support Renewable Fuel Standard
12/19/2019 Blunt Statement on Renewable Fuel Standard Final Rule
10/04/2019 Blunt Applauds Trump Administration's Renewable Fuel Standard Announcement
06/19/2019 Blunt Applauds EPA For Finalizing Affordable Clean Energy Rule
10/08/2018 Blunt Applauds Expected Trump Administration Move to Allow Year-Round E15 Sales
06/27/2017 Blunt: End of WOTUS Rule "A Huge Win for Missouri Farmers, Ranchers & Small Business Owners"
01/24/2017 Blunt Lauds President's Action on Keystone XL Pipeline
02/10/2016 Senator Blunt: President's Energy Regulations "Will Deal a Direct Blow to Low and Middle-Income Families"
02/05/2016 President's Energy Tax Will Drive up Gas Prices and Grocery Bills for Hardworking Missouri Families
11/17/2015 Senate Passes Blunt-Backed Effort to Block Obama Energy Price Hikes
11/06/2015 Senator Blunt on Keystone Pipeline: President Obama Rejected Thousands of New American Jobs
08/03/2015 Senator Blunt Says New EPA Rule Would Mean Job Losses, Higher Energy Bills for Missourians
02/24/2015 Senator Blunt: President More Concerned With Politics Than People
11/18/2014 Senator Blunt's Statement on Senate's Failure to Pass the Keystone XL Pipeline
11/12/2014 Senator Blunt Blasts President Obama's Continued War On Consumers
04/18/2014 Senator Blunt: Appalling For Obama Admin To Play Politics With American Jobs, Continue Blocking Keystone XL Pipeline
01/31/2014 Senator Blunt To President Obama: Use Your Pen To Approve Keystone Now
04/21/2012 Remarks by Senator Roy Blunt in the Weekly Republican Address
03/29/2012 Senator Blunt Rejects Democrats' Tax Hike On American Energy Producers
03/05/2012 President Obama's Energy Secretary Admits: We're Not Trying To Lower Gas Prices
02/29/2012 Kansas City Star - On Energy, President Obama is Out of Touch
02/27/2012 Senator Blunt Discusses Skyrocketing Gas Prices & American Energy
01/30/2012 Senator Blunt Cosponsors Bill To Authorize Creation Of Job-Promoting Keystone XL Pipeline
01/24/2012 Senator Blunt's Response To President Obama's State Of The Union Address
12/17/2011 Blunt's Statement On Passage Of Payroll Tax Extension/Keystone Package

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