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Roy Blunt's Public Statements on Issue: National Security

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Date Title
04/20/2021 Letter to Lt. General Scott Spellmon, Chief of Engineers, US Army Corps of Engineers - Cleaver, Blunt, Graves Lead Colleagues in Pressing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to Quickly & Fully Implement Missouri River Flood Control Provisions Included in Water Resources Law
03/18/2021 Letter to Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General - Idaho Senators Question Legality of Border Wall Funding Freeze Amid Escalating Crisis
03/17/2021 Letter to Honorable Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General - Senate GOP: Biden Escalating Border Crisis by Unlawfully Freezing Border Wall Funding
03/12/2021 Letter to Yogananda Pittman, Acting Chief of U.S. Capitol Police - Top Senate Republicans Demand Justification for Ongoing Security at U.S. Capitol
06/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Missouri Delegation Urges President Trump to Support Disaster Declaration for Areas Impacted by Severe Weather
04/23/2020 Letter to the Hon. Russell Vought, Acting Dir. of the Office of Management and Budget - Shaheen & Hassan Call for Relief for Local News Media During COVID-19 Pandemic
04/23/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Tillis Calls on Trump Administration to Fix Relief Payment Limits for Farmers, Ranchers
04/16/2020 Letter to the Hon. Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Dept. of the Treasury, and the Hon. Jovita Carranza, Admin, of the Small Business Administration - U.S. Senators Tina Smith, John Hoeven Lead Bipartisan Push to Treasury Department, Small Business Administration to Ensure Eligibility of Rural Electric Cooperatives in Paycheck Protection Program
04/16/2020 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the Dept. of Agriculture - Members of Congress Urge USDA to Provide Assistance to Pork Producers
04/14/2020 Letter to the Hon. Stephen Hahn, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration - Inhofe Joins Bicameral Group Pressing FDA to Enforce Medication Abortion Restrictions During COVID-19
04/08/2020 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of the Dept. of Health and Human Services - Key Health Committee Senators Urge Making COVID-19 Antibodies Test Free for Everyone
04/01/2020 Letter to Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the Dept. of Agriculture - Blunt, Hawley Join Colleagues in Urging USDA to Provide Immediate Assistance to Cattle Producers
08/19/2019 Letter to the Hon. Ben Carson, Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development - Missouri Delegation Urges HUD to Release Disaster Relief Funding
08/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. Peter Gaynor, Acting Administrator of Federal Emergency Management Agency - Missouri Lawmakers Hawley, Blunt and Graves Send Letter to FEMA on Behalf of Constituents in Need of Flood Assistance
06/26/2019 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Missouri Delegation Calls on President Trump to Support Disaster Declaration Following Historic Tornadoes and Flooding
02/15/2019 Letter to the Hon. Dan Coats, Director of National Intelligence - Bennet, Senate Intel Committee Colleagues Call on Director of National Intelligence to Provide Election Security Assessments
02/20/2018 Letter to the Honorable Kirstjen Nielsen, Secretary of Homeland Security - Include Israel in Global Entry Program
01/17/2018 Letter to Michael Grimm, Assistant Administrator for Mitigation Federal Emergency Management Agency - Blunt, McCaskill Support Tornado Shelter Funding for Southwest Missouri Schools
12/18/2017 Letter to Alex Amparo, Assistant Administrator of Recovery Directorate - Blunt, McCaskill Push FEMA on St. Louis Sewer District Appeal
12/05/2017 Letter to Paul Taylor, Regional Administrator Region VII Federal Emergency Management Agency - Blunt, McCaskill Request Answers from FEMA on Carter County Flood Damage
11/27/2017 Letter to Kathy Fields, Acting Regional Administrator of FEMA Region VII - Joplin Disaster Recovery Is Focus of McCaskill, Blunt Request
10/18/2017 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Duke, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security - Concerning Foreign Threats to U.S. Election Systems
10/04/2017 Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader, the Honorable Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, and the Honorable Charles E. Schumer, Senate Minority Leader - Support Wildfire Funding
05/25/2017 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump, President of the United States - Supporting Disaster Declaration for Areas Impacted by Storms & Flooding
03/10/2017 Letter to John F. Kelly, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - Increase Critical Federal Security Funds in Fiscal Year '18

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