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Roy Blunt's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution

Date Title
10/22/2021 Blunt, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Block Democrats' IRS Snooping Proposal
04/29/2021 Blunt, Warner Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Nation's Infrastructure
10/23/2019 Senator Collins Joins Bipartisan Group in Introducing National Criminal Justice Commission Act
04/25/2019 Blunt, Lankford, Scott Announce Bill to Protect First Amendment Rights of Faith-Based Student Groups
03/21/2018 Blunt-Backed Bill to Combat Human Trafficking Is Headed to the President's Desk
10/06/2017 Blunt Praises Trump Administration's Actions to Protect Religious Liberty and Conscience Rights of All Americans
05/03/2017 Blunt, Strange Urge Administration to Strengthen Religious Freedom Protections
02/02/2017 Grassley Resolution Would Reverse Obama-Era Regulation Limiting Second Amendment Rights of Social Security Beneficiaries
07/15/2016 Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crimes Reauthorization Act Passes Senate
07/15/2016 Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crimes Reauthorization Act Passes Senate
04/27/2016 Sen. Burr Introduces Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crimes Reauthorization Act
01/11/2016 Senator Blunt Files Amicus Brief Defending First Amendment Rights of Religious Non-Profits
08/04/2015 Senator Lankford Introduces Bill to Protect Conscience Rights of Americans
08/03/2015 Daines Leads 27 Senators in Urging State Department to Halt Misguided ITAR Changes
03/12/2015 Senator Blunt: Protecting Religious Freedom "Should Not Be A Budget Discussion"
12/18/2013 Senator Blunt's Bill To Promote Religious Freedom In Middle East Passes Senate Panel
08/06/2013 Enzi, Barrasso Defend Legislative Prayer
07/25/2013 Senator Blunt Fights To Empower Americans, Stop Government Abuse
07/17/2013 Schumer, Graham, Bipartisan Group Push New Media Shield Law - Legislation Would Codify & Augment New DOJ Media Guidelines and Provide Additional Protections, Ensuring they Can't Be Undone
06/06/2013 Senator Blunt Blasts EPA For Targeting Farm Families In Missouri, Nationwide
03/07/2013 Senators Blunt, Harkin Introduce Bipartisan Eunice Kennedy Shriver Act
02/14/2013 Senator Blunt Co-Sponsors Balanced Budget Amendment
01/07/2009 Congressman Blunt Cosponsors Legislation to Stop Government Censorship
10/10/2008 Members of Congress Urge Justice Department to Investigate Alleged ACORN Voter Fraud