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Roy Blunt's Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net

Date Title
02/17/2017 Blunt Backs Bill to Improve Care for Kids with Complex Medical Conditions
12/12/2016 Blunt Announces Major Grant Award to Spur Revitalization in St. Louis
05/24/2016 Senate Passes Isakson Resolution to Stop Obama Rule Restricting Access to Retirement Planning for American Families, Small Businesses
02/04/2016 Blunt Acts to Stop Harmful New Rule that Will Make It Harder for Missouri Families to Save for Retirement
08/06/2015 Senator Blunt's Efforts Strengthen Social Security Disability Insurance Program
06/25/2015 Senate Appropriations Committee Advances FY2016 Labor, HHS, Education Bill
06/23/2015 Senator Blunt Sets Priorities As Subcommittee Approves FY2016 Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations Bill
01/28/2015 New Bill to Help Children With Complex Medical Conditions in Medicaid
08/01/2014 Senator Blunt Praises Passage Of Bill To Provide Better Care For America's Veterans
06/09/2014 Senator Blunt Expresses Concern After VA Reveals Shocking Report On Wait Times For Veterans
06/05/2014 Senator Blunt Forces Kansas City VA To Admit To "Unauthorized' Wait List, Demands Immediate Reforms
06/04/2014 Senator Blunt On Extended VA Wait Times In Missouri: Unacceptable To Treat Our Veterans Like This
05/30/2014 Senator Blunt's Statement On VA Secretary Eric Shinseki's Resignation
02/12/2014 Senator Blunt Votes To Restore Military Retirement Benefits
12/18/2013 Senator Blunt Co-Sponsors Resolution To Protect Missourians' Military Retirement Pay
03/06/2013 Reed & Blunt Introduce the Family Self-Sufficiency Act
01/03/2013 Senator Blunt Praises Passage Of Legislation To Help Children In Foster Care
11/19/2012 Senator Blunt Applauds Ruling Against ObamaCare Health Care Mandate
06/06/2012 Startup Act 2.0 Senate Sponsors Statement On House Introduction
05/08/2012 Senator Blunt Supports Responsible, Bipartisan Solution To Extend Student Loan Rates
10/07/2009 Blunt Blasts Democrats' Plans To Cut Medicare Benefits --"Changes Shouldn't Be On The Backs Of Our Seniors"--
09/29/2009 Congressman Blunt Announces Grant To Boys & Girls Town To Serve Homeless Youth
06/25/2008 Blunt: House Medicare Bill Wrong for Missouri Seniors
03/29/2007 Blunt: Largest Tax Increase In American History Takes Bite Out Of Blue Dogs