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Roy Blunt's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking

Date Title
03/14/2018 Blunt Bill to Improve Education and Economic Opportunities for Low-Income Families Passes Senate
12/12/2017 Blunt-Backed Bill Would Strengthen Consumer Protections, Provide Regulatory Relief for Community Banks
10/17/2017 Blunt, Rounds Introduce Bill to Allow Community Banks to Better Serve Rural Areas
07/23/2015 Senator Blunt Introduces Bill to Allow Community Banks to Better Serve Rural Areas
07/21/2015 Rounds, Blunt Introduce Bill to Allow Community Banks to Better Serve Rural Areas
03/20/2015 Senator Blunt: Export-Import Bank Reauthorization Is Good For Missouri Workers, Jobs
03/19/2015 Kirk, Heitkamp Introduce Bipartisan Export-Import Bank Reform and Reauthorization
07/30/2014 Manchin, Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Legislation to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank
10/02/2012 Senator Blunt Condemns President Obama's Blatant, Politically-Motivated Disregard for Law
01/04/2012 Blunt: President's Latest Power Grab Unprecedented, Raises Constitutional Questions
07/28/2011 Sens. Carper, Blunt Introduce Bill to Better Protect Consumers from Identity Theft Legislation Applies to Financial Institutions, Retailers, and Government Agencies
01/27/2010 Blunt Vows To Continue Questioning Geithner On Taxpayer-Funded Bailout
01/12/2010 Blunt Blasts Fed's "Cover-up Of A Cover-Up"
01/07/2010 Blunt Blasts Geithner's AIG Bailout Cover-Up
12/11/2009 Blunt Votes To End TARP
11/19/2009 Blunt Urges Hearing Into AIG Bailout
09/25/2009 Blunt Urges Financial Services Committee Action On Audit The Fed Bill
09/24/2009 Blunt Urges Committee Action On Ron Paul Bill To Audit Federal Reserve
03/27/2009 Blunt Cosponsors Legislation Promoting Federal Reserve Transparency
03/12/2009 Bachus, Blunt Urge SEC to Protect Taxpayers, Family Savings by Adopting Common-Sense Accounting Rules
10/22/2008 Blunt: Democrats' Long History of Rewarding ACORN
10/03/2008 Blunt Statement on Passage of Economic Rescue Package
09/19/2008 Boehner, Blunt Statement Following Meeting with Secretary Paulson, Chairman Bernanke & Chairman Cox
05/18/2007 Blunt Amendment Would Extend Sunshine, Transparency Rules To Housing Slush Fund