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Joe Crowley's Public Statements on Issue: Elections

Date Title
11/05/2018 Tweet - "On November 5th, 1968, #ShirleyChisholm made history as the first African American woman elected to Congress. It's been 50 years since that milestone -- but we have work left to do. Your #vote is your voice. Use it."
08/01/2018 Tweet - "If President Trump is as innocent as he claims, he should have no objections to the continued investigation of Russia's attack on our democracy."
06/25/2018 Tweet - "Voting is a right, not a privilege. Five years after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, Americans want the full freedom to vote back. It's time to #RestoreTheVOTE"
04/27/2018 Tweet - "The report from House Intelligence Committee Republicans is further proof they were never serious about a thorough, nonpartisan investigation into Russia's interference in our elections. It was always about giving the Trump administration political cover."
04/18/2018 Tweet - "Those who have served their time deserve the right to vote. Thank you @NYGovCuomo for taking this historic step forward."
04/07/2018 Tweet - "Told my constituents in LeFrak today that I've always supported their right to vote in their community and will be demanding that the NYC Board of Elections immediately drops this misguided effort to move their polling sites."
03/22/2018 Tweet - "There's no question #Russia interfered in our elections. By voting to end this investigation, House Republicans failed to protect and defend the Constitution and put our national security at risk."
03/12/2018 Tweet - "It wasn't a genuine investigation to begin with. Now let's let Robert Mueller find the facts."
03/05/2018 Tweet - "President Trump may be unwilling to address Russian attempts to interfere in our elections, but I'm taking it seriously and I'm acting."
02/25/2018 Tweet - "A FIFTH former campaign staffer has plead guilty. @realdonaldtrump, explain to us how this is a witch hunt?"
02/24/2018 Tweet - "It's imperative that Americans know the truth about Republican attempts to stymie and discredit the investigation into Russia's interference in our election. Now it's time to focus on protecting our elections from foreign powers."
02/16/2018 Tweet - "Russia interfered in our free and fair elections and it will do so again if Congress doesn't act. This announcement makes clear why we must #FollowTheFacts and keep the Special Counsel's investigation free from political interference."
02/02/2018 Tweet - "This memo was not released in the interest of our national security. It was not released in the interest of finding the truth. And it was not released in the interest of the American people. It's being done in the interest of protecting @POTUS and his congressional lackeys."
02/02/2018 Tweet - "It's clear that @POTUS is using the #NunesMemo to try to undermine the Russia investigation. The need to #ProtectMueller and protect Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is growing more urgent by the day."
02/01/2018 Tweet - "It's clear Devin Nunes is trying to help President Trump interfere in the Russia investigation. His reckless actions should have him immediately removed as chairman of the Intelligence Committee. #RemoveNunes"
01/26/2018 Tweet - "The silence from my Republican colleagues on President Trump's attempt to fire special counsel Mueller is deafening. Both parties need to #ProtectMueller and let his investigation follow the facts, wherever they may lead."
01/24/2018 Tweet - "Every eligible American should be able to vote. Period. These reforms will go a long way to ensure that every voter is truly equal."
12/18/2017 Tweet - "The unfortunate reality is the president lacks a true national security vision for this country. There are numerous missed opportunities in the #NationalSecurityStrategy -- most glaringly the failure to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election."
12/15/2017 Tweet - "Americans deserve transparent elections--that's why I'm proud to support the #DemocracyForAll amendment to overturn #CitizensUnited."