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Joe Heck, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

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Date Title
09/28/2016 Letter to the Hon. Paul Ryan and the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker and Democratic Leader, United States House of Representatives - Supporting the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program
09/15/2016 Amodei, Heck, Hardy Introduces Bill to Spare Nevadans From Unfair Obamacare Tax
03/22/2016 Letter to Chairman Ken Calvert and Ranking Member Betty McCollum of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies - Fully Fund the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program
03/24/2015 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader - Funding for Payment in Lieu of Taxes
01/01/2015 Issue Position: Tax Reform
12/01/2014 Heck Pushes Local Priorities during Lame Duck Session
01/30/2014 Letter to Dave Camp, Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, and Sander Levin, Ranking Member of the Committee on Ways and Means - State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Extension
01/01/2014 Issue Position: Tax Reform
11/21/2013 Letter to Chairman Paul Ryan, Chairwoman Patty Murray, Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen, and Ranking Member Jeff Sessions - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Program
05/16/2013 Congressman Heck Statement on the Resignation of the Acting Director of the IRS
05/16/2013 Congressman Heck Statement on the Resignation of the Acting Director of the IRS
01/01/2013 Congressman Heck Statement on House Fiscal Cliff Vote
01/01/2013 Americans for Prosperity: Federal Taxpayer Protection Pledge
09/19/2012 Letter to Chairman Dave Camp and Representative Pat Tiberi
09/06/2012 Oceguera Supports Tax Hikes, Job-Killing Health Care Law Amid Rising Unemployment
08/01/2012 Heck Votes to Prevent Tax Increase on All Nevadans
07/02/2012 The Las Vegas Review Journal - Heck Predicts More House Democrats Will Vote to Repeal Health Care Law
04/19/2012 Heck Votes to Extend Tax Relief to Nevada's Small Businesses
02/17/2012 Heck Votes to Extend Tax Holiday to Nevada Workers
12/19/2011 We Need a 1-Year Extension
11/15/2011 Government Money Isn't Free
09/08/2011 Heck Reacts to Obama's Speech
04/15/2011 Heck Votes to Pass FY12 Budget
03/02/2011 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 4, Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act of 2011
10/18/2010 Dr. Heck's Statement On Nevada's Unemployment Rate

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