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Ted Poe's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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Date Title
08/06/2018 Rep. Poe Applauds Reimplementation of Sanctions on Rogue Iranian Regime
08/22/2017 Poe Statement Regarding President Trump's Plan on Pakistan
07/14/2017 Rep. Poe Amends NDAA, Passes House
05/17/2017 Congressman Poe Releases Statement Addressing Comey Memo
04/07/2017 Statement from Chairman Ted Poe on Syria
02/16/2017 Cotton, Johnson, Rubio, Poe, and Rogers Introduce Intermediate-Range Forces Treaty Preservation Act
12/05/2016 Congressman Poe on the Passage of NDAA
09/09/2016 Congressman Poe on North Korea's Fifth Nuclear Test
12/18/2015 Poe Fights For Texas By Voting To End Crude Oil Export Ban And To Make Sales Tax Deduction Permanent
07/14/2015 Chairman Poe Reacts to Iran Nuclear Deal
07/01/2015 The Threat of Terror
02/13/2015 Newsletter: Do you Support an AUMF?
06/17/2014 Poe Statement on Capture of Benghazi Terrorist--Ahmed Abu Khattala
06/03/2014 Poe Statement on Prisoner Swap
05/08/2014 Poe Votes to Establish Select Committee on Benghazi
05/02/2014 Poe Statement Establishing Select Committee on Benghazi
01/22/2014 Poe Statement on Thwarted Plot to Bomb U.S. Embassy in Israel
01/08/2014 Chairman Poe Statement on the Imminent State Department Designation of Ansar al-Sharia as an FTO
01/03/2014 Al-Qaida Still a Major Threat
01/02/2014 Poe Statement on Camp Liberty Attack
12/18/2013 Poe Statement on Designation of al-Mulathamun Battalion as FTO
12/12/2013 Poe Hails Passage of Defense Funding Bill Including Language to Combat the Haqqani Network
09/20/2013 E-Newsletter: Defunding Obamacare and Accountability for Benghazi
09/10/2013 Poe: No Funds for War in Syria
05/21/2013 TNT Chairman Poe Applauds Britain's Efforts to Add Hezbollah to the EU Terror List

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