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Tim Kaine's Public Statements on Issue: Trade


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (VA) - Jr

Date Title
02/07/2020 Inhofe, Enzi, Coons, Rounds, Kaine, Boozman Applaud First Steps to US-Kenya Free Trade Agreement
01/09/2020 Kaine Announces Support For USMCA
11/14/2019 Warner & Kaine Welcome Announcement Ending Ban on U.S. Poultry Sales to China
10/24/2019 VIDEO: On Senate floor, Kaine calls on colleagues to pass legislation to mitigate Trump's Syria disaster
05/31/2019 Warner & Kaine Slam Trump Administration Decision to Increase Tariffs on Mexican Imports
05/14/2019 Warner, Kaine Statement on Escalated Trade War with China
04/04/2019 Brown Joins Bipartisan Group to Introduce First-Ever Targeted Fentanyl Sanctions Bill to Hold China Accountable On Commitment to Crack Down On Manufacturers & Traffickers of Lethal Opioids Ravaging U.S. Communities
09/18/2018 Warner & Kaine Slam Trump's Trade War Escalation that Threatens Additional $899 Million in Virginia Exports
07/06/2018 Warner & Kaine Statement on President Trump's Trade War
06/01/2018 Warner & Kaine Statement on Trump Tariffs & Response from Key U.S. Allies
06/16/2017 Kaine Statement on President Trump's Rollback of U.S. Policy Towards Cuba
06/16/2017 Kaine Statement on President Trump's Rollback of U.S. Policy Towards Cuba
12/01/2016 Feinstein, Kaine Statement on Clean Extension of the Iran Sanctions Act
05/22/2015 Kaine Statement On Passage Of Trade Promotion Authority And Trade Adjustment Assistance Legislation
05/14/2015 Kaine Statement On Trade Legislation
01/14/2014 Kaine Statement on Proposal for Additional Iran Sanctions
04/19/2007 Governor Kaine Withdraws From India Trade Mission – Delegation will be led by two Cabinet secretaries –